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Ryuzaki's POV
(Y/n) laid down next to me, snuggling up to my side. I put my arm around her, gently pulling her closer to me. I looked over at (y/n) and noticed she was starting to get tired as her eyes were getting lower and lower then popping open again. I chuckled as I spoke.

"You can sleep you know."

"I know but I don't want you to be lonely if I sleep." She replied and slightly pouted. I smiled. So adorable. I looked down at her and smiled.

"I won't be lonely. I promise." I said and kissed her forehead. She smiled and her eyes closed.

"I really enjoyed playing that pocky game with you...Ryuzaki..." she mumbled.

"Me too... me too...." I trailed off. Soon (y/n) fell asleep and I felt a wave a tiredness sweep over me. My eyelids starting getting heavy. Maybe I should sleep... but just for a short while... My eyelids closed and I fell down a hole into a false reality.
(Y/n) was standing by a lake. Cherry blossoms along the shore. The sky was pink, purple, orange, and yellow. The lake was calm but (y/n) wasn't. I heard her soft sobs carried over to me by the light breeze. I called for her but she wouldn't look at me. I tried to move closer to comfort her but I couldn't walk. I started to cry. I was screaming her name while the tears poured out of my eyes like two rushing rivers. I couldn't stand seeing her cry. I want to make her feel better, to hold her in my arms, to tell her everything's gonna be ok, that I love her and never leave her. All of a sudden it got dark. Then a little brighter. I saw a man walking towards (y/n). The man started talking. It's Light-kun. They started talking. "I'm kira and I want you to be my queen." Light-kun said. (Y/n) started crying more and tried to back away. Light grabbed her shoulders and shook her. She shook her head "no" then he slapped her and screamed "YOU WILL BE MY WIFE AND QUEEN OF THE NEW WORLD". I started screaming and yelling while tears still streamed down my cheeks. Telling him not to hurt her. Threatening him if he ever hurts her again. Something cold was on my forehead and my eyes shot open.
I saw (y/n) standing above me with a worried expression painted on her face. I hugged her so tight I cracked her back. She hugged back though. I didn't even realize I was crying until (y/n) pointed it out.

"Ryuzaki, are you ok? Why are you crying? Did you have a bad dream?" She asked soothingly. I pulled away a bit and looked her in the eyes. They were filled with hurt, worry and fear. She got a tissue and helped me wipe my tears.

"I'm fine. Yes it was a bad dream but I'm fine now that you're ok." I said and hugged her again. She hugged back tight.

"You were yelling and crying in your sleep but you wouldn't wake up." Her voice cracked. I started crying again and held her tighter. I should tell her now before I miss the chance. I have to tell her how I feel.

"(Y/n)... I... I really like you... more than a friend.. I want to be yours and you to be mine but only if you feel the same way. I want to help you, comfort you, protect you. I'll do anything for you (y/n)." I let the words I've been keeping in flow out as I looked into her eyes and tears still sliding down my cheeks.

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