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Ryuzaki's POV
"Apparently. I was surprised too. But then I started thinking: it was so easy to find so maybe it's here to throw people off if they were searching for something. So I have come to the conclusion that something is hidden in this drawer as well." (Y/n) explained. "Also, if you knock on the 'bottom' of the drawer, it sounds a bit strange." She knocked on the bottom and then looked at me. "Doesn't it?"

"Are you implying that it's a false bottom?" I asked, inspecting the drawer closer.

"Yes. Yes I am." She said confidently, I smiled and stood up straight. I chuckled at how cute she was then turned my attention back to the drawer.

"Knowing Light-kun, it wouldn't be easy to lift the false bottom." I said, looking at the bottom and found a small hole.

"Yes that crossed my mind as well so I looked under the drawer and you noticed the hole under it, i think that there's something acting as a key to push up the false bottom without triggering a booby trap." She explained. She's so smart.

"I agree." I replied and stood back up from my crouching position, and walked over to the window. "He's coming back."

"That was fast." (Y/n) thought aloud as she made her way back over to Light's bed and sat on it. "Ryuzaki, do you think we should place cameras and wire taps in Light's room?" She whispered in my ear once I sat next to her. Did I tell her I already did but we didn't find anything?

"Yes. We should. I need to tell you something later." I replied as steps coming up the stairs could be heard. The door opened revealing Light holding a bag. "Where's the white board, Light-kun?" I asked as (y/n) ran over to him and looked in the bag.

"It's down stairs. (Y/n) put the ramen down!" Light said as he swiftly grabbed the ramen from (y/n)'s hand. I looked at her and she pouted. She's too cute. She crossed her arms and stomped over to me, still pouting. She looked like a child. I chuckled.

"He's being a meanie!" (Y/n) pouted.

"How so?" I asked as I opened my arms to give her a hug. She moved in between my arms, her arms still crossed and that adorable little pout still gracing her face. I embraced her figure and held her tightly.

"He won't let me have the ramen." She mumbled into my shoulder.

"And why do you think that is?" I asked, still holding her. She was silent for a few moments, I let go of her and looked at her face. She was looking down and her arms weren't crossed anymore.

"Because I ate the last of his ramen..." she mumbled reluctantly.

"Damn right." Light said. I looked over at him and chuckled a bit. "I'm gonna go put the ramen away." He said, setting the stand for the white board that was in his other hand and placing his hand in the door handle.

"Do you want me to get the white board?" I asked Light.

"No it's fine. I can get it when I'm on my way back up here, after I hide the ramen. Thanks though, Ryuzaki." Light smiled politely. Then left the room.

"When are you gonna tell me the thing you have to tell me?" (Y/n) asked, laying her head on my chest as I plopped onto Light's bed, laying on my back.

"Later." I replied and gently placed my hand on her waist.

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