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Light's POV
That kid with the raven black hair asked to sit on the bench (Y/n) and I are sitting on. (Y/n) gladly moved over but I just glared at the kid. "What's your name." I demanded, still glaring at him.

"I am Ryuzaki. Nice to meet you Light Yagami." The boy said.

"How'd you know my name." I said rudely. (Y/n) elbowed me in the ribs.

"Don't be rude Light. He just wants to sit down." (Y/n) told me harshly.

"So you trust him?" I asked holding my ribs.

"Just because someone's kind to another person doesn't mean they trust them." (Y/n) glared at me then turned away and started talking with Ryuzaki.

(Y/n)'s POV
Why is Light being so rude? I just don't understand. What is he hiding? I turned away from Light and noticed Ryuzaki sitting in an odd position. His knees were pulled up to his chest and his hands were placed on his knee caps. I giggled. "You know, you kinda look like a frog the way you sit." I said and giggled again. He looked at me and I smiled innocently.

"I have to sit like this. If I sit normally then my deductive skills are reduced by 40%." Ryuzaki explained. He sounds like a detective. I want to be a detective so I read many books on them. Sometimes when a detective is working on a case, they have to meet the suspect without the suspect knowing they're the detective. When they do this they use an alias or fake name. I nodded and smiled sweetly.

"So are you a detective?" I asked studying his face. It didn't change, he just stared at me. I smiled again. He still stared. This is interesting. He didn't answer. Does that mean he is a detective? Maybe he doesn't talk to a lot of people and this is an odd situation for him. Is this how he reacts to all questions? Let's find out then. "Hey, um, Ryuzaki? What classes are you in?" I asked.

"The same as you and Light." He responded in a monotone voice. So he can answer questions. That settles it then. He's a detective. But what's his real name? I know that can't be his real name since I already know he is a detective. Now to find out. I can't do it now though. He will get to suspicious.

"Ya hear that, Im-a-gay?" I asked Light chuckling a bit. He seems so different lately.

"Yea. I heard that." Light said through gritted teeth glaring at Ryuzaki's head as thought he was hoping to burn a hole in it.

"I don't know what the hell's going on with you, Light, but you could at least try to be nice." I said harshly to Light. If he doesn't quit being rude then I'm gonna have to hit him.

"Alright fine. I'll try." Light said and stopped glaring at Ryuzaki. Finally. "So Ryuzaki. Why the hell were you in my house a few nights ago?"

"I can't tell you that." Ryuzaki said.

"And why the hell not?!!!" Light screamed in Ryuzaki's face and standing up. I quickly stood up and slapped him hard on his cheek and when he stood up straight and put his hand on his face in shock, I kicked the back of his knees so he fell onto his knees and twisted his left arm around his back with his hand almost touching his neck. "OW WHAT THE HELL (Y/N)?!" He screamed.

"I told you to be nice." I said clearly and through gritted teeth. I let him go and looked back at Ryuzaki. I smiled kindly. "Sorry about that."

"It's quite alright. You are pretty strong for such a petite woman." Ryuzaki said examining me. The bell rang for class to start and I walked next to Ryuzaki with Light at my heels. His locker was right next to Light's which was a few lockers away from mine. He looks smart. Is Light his suspect? Or am I? It would make sense if Light was his suspect. The way Light is acting lately, is like he doesn't want anyone to know about a secret or something. I'll find out what's going on. I'll help Ryuzaki with it actually. I wonder if he likes cake?

(A/n) I decided to use Ryuzaki as L's alias instead of Ryuga. I didn't really decide I just kinda typed Ryuzaki instead of Ryuga and I'm too lazy to change it. So right now in the story it's a few days after Light found the death note, I just thought I'd clear that up for anyone confused on when it is or if you thought it was only a day after he found it. It was going to be like that originally but I changed it. Have a great day! ✌️~

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