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(Y/n)'s POV
We exited the shop and saw them carry the stretcher with Imelda's covered body into the ambulance. I wonder what caused that man to attack her like that.

"Hey, Ryuzaki?" I say in thought.

"Yes (y/n)?" He replies, continuing to walk with his hands in his pockets.

"Do you think Imelda had a criminal record by any chance?" I asked. He was quiet for a moment, thinking.

"Possibly. We'll do some research on her history when we get back to your house." He explains.

"Of course." I said nodding my head and walking next to him. I looked at his profile. He kept his eyes on the sidewalk ahead of him but I knew he knew I was looking at him but I didn't look away. He's kinda cute, I thought. I finally looked away after studying his features closely. Then I noticed something; he's not carrying the food. I face-palmed.

"Ryuzaki?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"Hm?" He answered but didn't stop or turn around.

"Where's the food?" I asked, about to explode from laughter. He still didn't stop walking and he didn't turn around.

"Oh, I left it for Imelda's family." He replied in his monotone voice.

"Aaawww. How nice of you Ryuzaki." I chuckled.

"Now, they may give us some more information on "Imelda" because they may feel like they owe it to us since we gave them some, sympathy gifts, you could call them. ." He continued to explain.

"Ah." I said understanding. We made it to my house and locked the door and immediately went to my room to do research. "Do you think she has an alias?" I ask as I sit at my desk, eating a hot cheeto.

"Yes." He replied, placing a strawberry lollipop in his mouth.

"We need her last name too, along with her real name, of course." I state, jotting things down.

"Don't forget about that notebook Light had." Ryuzaki reminds me.

"Ah. Of course." I say, writing it as the next bullet- point. We started talking about random things. I was laying down, staring at the ceiling, thinking about life.

"It's a shame. Imelda probably thought she would get to sleep in her bed tonight." I thought out loud. Ryuzaki laid next to me and was also staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah." Ryuzaki agreed.

"But now, technically, she does get to do that. Well, not tonight. But she gets to sleep forever in her own casket so that casket will be her bed." I reasoned.

"True. But why are we talking about this?" Ryuzaki chuckled, making me chuckle.

"I don't even know." I replied and turned my head to my clock. It's a habit of mine, to look at my clock frequently. 2:47 AM. I turned over and faced Ryuzaki. He looked over at me. "Do you want to stay over? I would say "stay the night", but it's not night anymore so it wouldn't make sense." I explained. He looked back at the ceiling and chuckled.

"You're witty. I like it. But that sounds great." He chuckled as he looked at me again.

"Didn't you already know I was witty? I mean you are the L." I joked.

"I didn't think you were this witty." He reasoned.

"So should we visit Imelda's family tomorrow?" I ask walking back over to my desk.

"Definitely. We should write out some questions to ask them." He suggested.

"Brilliant." I smiled as I took out a dark blue notebook. We took the next few hours in coming up, and writing down questions to ask Imelda's family.

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