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(Y/n)'s POV
(Time skip-> next day)

Ryuzaki and I were talking in the back of the class room when Light decided to finally show up. He wasn't waiting for me this morning and when I knocked on his door, there was no answer.

"Light!" I yelled across the room-seemingly pulling him out of his thoughts- he looked back at me and I waved. He looked startled but waved back. He walked back to me and Ryuzaki. He gave us a small smile.

"Good morning (y/n), Ryuzaki." He said nodding to each of us.

"Why are you late, Lightbulb?" I asked.

"I wanted to sleep in a bit." He answered shrugging slightly. That's odd. Light never sleeps in. He never needs to, he always gets to bed at a decent time. Is Light really kira?

"Oh. Ok." I replied calmly.

"Why did you want to sleep in?" Ryuzaki asked, Interrogating him it seemed like. I just rolled my eyes at the question. It's not like he's gonna say the actual reason he slept in. I'm not even sure that's the real reason he's late.

"I was having a good dream." Light replied. "You know what it's like to have a good dream that you never want to end, right?" He asked Ryuzaki.

"No actually." He replied me and Light were both shocked by his answer.

"So do you have insomnia or something?" I asked unsure.

"Yes actually." He said. The bell rang and the teacher walked in.

"Alright everyone, take your seats. Let's begin the lesson, shall we?" He said as we all sat down.

(Time skip-> 48 minute into the lesson)
All of a sudden the principle ran into the classroom. He motioned for the teacher, Mr. Artlert, to follow him outside. I turned to Ryuzaki with a puzzled look and he shrugged his shoulders. Mr. Artlert ran back in the class, put his coat on and grabbed his brief case then ran back out the door, with out saying anything to the class. People started whispering frantically. The principle walked to the front of the classroom and explained.

"I am sorry to announce that Mr. Artlert's son has died in prison of a heart attack." Ryuzaki and I looked at each other with big eyes. Then we looked at Light. He was fighting back a.....smirk? Does Ryuzaki see what I am seeing?

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