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Warning: much gore

(Y/n)'s POV
I whipped my head around to find the librarian laying on a tipped over book cart. I looked back at Ryuzaki and Light, who were just as surprised as I was. I then ran over to the librarian to find out if she was dead and if she was, how she died. Light and Ryuzaki were behind me. I gasped at the sight of the librarian's head. There were scissors in her skull and a pencil in her eye. I examined her body and saw that her ankle was twisted or broken. Either way, her ankle was bending in a way it's not supposed to. Her right arm was trapped under the dark red, shiny book cart and books were scattered everywhere.

"She tripped on something it looks like." Ryuzaki said, also examining her body.

"Light, go get another teacher." I told Light, this way we won't get accused of killing her. He nodded and left, looking an ill-like pale and scared. Ryuzaki came and sat next to me and tried to find a pulse. I watched anxiously.

"Nothing." He said removing his hand from her neck.

"We should check her file." I said, grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers.

"I agree. Kira can control his victims and decide the time of their death so we should check, no matter how low the percent of it being Kira is." Ryuzaki explained and gave my hand a small squeeze. I just nodded my head and laid it on his chest, closing my eyes. He pay my head. "What's wrong? Is it the scissors or the pencil?" He asked. I opened my eyes.

"The her eye. I hate seeing things go in people's eyes. The scissors don't bother me at all. Just the pencil." I closed my eyes again and leaned my head on his shoulder as he rubbed his hand in soothing circles on my back. The door burst open and I opened my eyes to see Light and the vice principal run over to us. Ryuzaki and I got up while I was still clinging to him. I felt sick looking at that pencil. He still held me tight. The vice principal yelped and all the color left her face as she saw the sight of the passed librarian. She gulped and looked over to us with fear in her face.

"There's not pulse." Ryuzaki said quietly. The vice principal nodded her head and looked down in silence. After a few moments she spoke up.

"You kids shouldn't see this. You guys can go home. The school day is over as of now. I have to call the police." She said quietly but firmly as she stood up and headed to the door.

"Thank you." I said nearly vomiting seeing the sight of the condition the librarian was in.

"If you need any help with anything, don't hesitate to ask." Light said with a small, sympathetic smile. She returned the smile.

"Thanks you guys. Now go on home. (Y/n) looks sick." She said in a caring voice and then walked away, back to her office. Light looked at me.

"Man you are really pale (y/n)." He chuckled a bit. I am also just naturally pale.

"I always am." I said defensively.

"Come on. Let's go home." Ryuzaki chuckled. We walked out of the building. Ryuzaki and I holding hands. Then I thought of something.

"What if all the teachers that work at school have a criminal record?" I wondered out loud.

"That's possible but don't you think that's a little far fetched?" Light said a bit suspiciously as we walked down mine and Light's street. The notebook. Don't forget the notebook.

"Hey Light, let's go to your house for once." I said casually.

"Oh. O-k I guess." He responded.

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