Chapter 11- Test

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After killing several waves of enchanted beasts the enchanted beasts stopped appearing. They waited for a minute, but still, no monsters came out.

Had the enchanted beasts stopped respawning? That shouldn't have been happening right now. Cheng Yang knew, once the enchanted beasts appeared, they would never stop respawning, including near the city. If an enchanted beast was killed, in a short time it would respawn again in a nearby location. If the enchanted beast wasn't killed, after a while, another enchanted beast would spawn, the spawn time would just be a bit longer.

"Everyone, sit down and recover!" Cheng Yang shouted. He felt something was off...

They sat down for less than 20 seconds before flashes of bright lights appeared at the East and West gate. The lights were brighter than those of the previous enchanted beasts' lights that they saw before they appeared. At the same time, the other two gates also had some flashes of light, but it was a bit dimmer than the East and West gate.

Cheng Yang's facial expression changed, clearly the lights were a sign that a more powerful enchanted beast appeared, it should have been around the first medium-order. How could a medium-order monster appear at this time though? It should have been half a month before the first medium-order enchanted beast spawned, how could this be happening right now?

Suddenly, Cheng Yang came up with an idea. Before, when he occupied Luo Feng station there was supposed to be a test, but at the time there wasn't any enchanted beasts so the test couldn't be taken place. Now, out of nowhere, there were two enchanted beasts of the first medium-order. This was most likely the test prepared for the occupation of the altar.

Of course, this was just a guess. More importantly, Cheng Yang needed to think of a way to overcome the current crisis fast. If they failed the test, the enchanted beasts would occupy the station, and then they would lose their occupations. In the worst case, they would be killed afterward.

Cheng Yang quickly processed his thoughts for the best solution available. He immediately dashed toward the East Gate, a distance of 80 meters took only four to five seconds to reach with his speed.

When he reached the East gate, the white light had faded and a Green Anorak that was ⅔ larger than normal appeared, it started dashing toward the gate very fast, its speed was not slower than Chang Yang's.

Cheng Yang quickly shouted, "You, go to support the West Gate, that monster must be pinned down!" While at the same time, he formed a Magic Missile at the end of his wand and fired it toward the Green Anorak.

"BANG...!" the Green Anorak failed to avoid Cheng Yang's attack. The Magic Missile hit it right in the abdomen, letting it instantly feel an intense pain.

Yu Kai had some slight hesitation but immediately rushed over to the West Gate with seven other people. Right now they didn't have much of a choice, because they didn't know what the current situation was. Other than listening to Cheng Yang's instructions, they didn't know what else to do.

Cheng Yang released another Magic Missile hitting the Green Anorak's head. The enchanted beast released a piercing cry. Perhaps, due to the restrictions of the world's rules, this lethal blow to the head couldn't kill the monster, only making its head bloody. Also, none of its movement had been impaired either.

Looking at this Green Anorak's speed, it should have been a first medium-order enchanted beast, but Cheng Yang didn't have any inspection skills, so he wasn't entirely sure. Enchanted beasts and humans had some differences; for enchanted beasts their stats aren't fixed. They could be slow, but to compensate, had high health and physical attack.

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