Chapter 82- Second Field Station

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As Cheng Yang and others continue on their journey, the fighting became more and more frequent. While at the same time, their equipment's durability also began to slowly decline.

"Lord, how much longer do we have to walk? If this goes on, some of the warriors might not have the strength left to lift up their shield." After a battle had finished, Liu Hao walked over to Cheng Yang and said.

Cheng Yang said, "Don't worry, we'll be there soon. Also when we return, the probability of encountering enchanted beast will be much smaller."

Liu Hao didn't say anymore. As long as Cheng Yang used the original route when returning from the destination, he believed everything would be fine. After all, after killing the enchanted beast once, then under normal circumstances there would not appear another large group of enchanted beasts.

In this way, they walked for nearly a kilometer when Cheng Yang walking in the front suddenly stopped his movement.

In front of everyone's eyes was a hill, flanked on both sides by mountains reaching a few kilometers in height, extremely steep, and had stretched to the remote distance. And in between these two peaks was a plain that is 10 km wide, while the other had a broad river flowing through the middle, running away toward the distance.

This river was called Xiang River, or used to be anyway. However, after the earthquake that triggered the start of the apocalypse, the river was forcibly shifted. The location of Luo Feng Village also used to have this river flowing besides it.

"We've finally arrived." Cheng Yang sighed out a deep breath.

Lee Wanshan surveyed the surroundings, then he asked, "Lord, this is our destination? How come I don't see anything special about this place?"

Cheng Yang with a smile said, "Of course, you don't see it. There are trees all over the place. You might see the area on both sides of the river bank, but deeper in, you can hardly see anything."

Lee Wanshan nodded his head. It seemed the thing that Cheng Yang was looking for is inside of these woods.

Sure enough, Cheng Yang then made them continue along the river toward the east. Along the way they didn't encounter any enchanted beast.

After walking approximately 200 meters, Cheng Yang said in a low voice, "You guys wait here, I'll go take a look at the situation first."

Having said that and not waiting for the team to respond, Cheng Yang dived straight into the wood, advancing toward north.

Cheng Yang tried to tread lightly, as he made his way forward. After walking a distance of four hundred to five hundred meters, he also didn't come across any enchanted beast's group. Regarding this, Cheng Yang not only wasn't surprised, on the contrary he became very calm.

That's because the thing he was looking for this time was a territory altar. According to the rules of gods, prior to occupying the territory altar, the altar would have an unusual appeal to enchanted beasts. The enchanted beasts in the surroundings would be drawn toward it like bees would toward honey.

Cheng Yang hadn't been to this field station, so he had no choice but to depend on other people's description to slowly look for it.

Cheng Yang fumbled around in the forest for a full half-hour, before he finally heard some news of activity.

Two hundred meters ahead was occasionally transmitted one to two coarse roars. This means there were two possibilities, the first one was that he was at the edge of the altar and that the enchanted beasts here weren't drawn toward the altar. The second possibility is that he had arrived at the destination, and those roars were from the enchanted beast's group guarding the altar.

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