Chapter 78- Special Talent

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Niu Bing hurriedly said, "That won't be a problem. My auxiliary class is carpenter, so as long as I spend a day cutting down 10 cubic meters of wood, it will be enough to have a level 1 residence built."

Pang Shan annoyed by his wretched appearance, reached out with a hand toward his waist and gave it a slight pinch. This made Niu Bing immediately jump up in pain.

The scene immediately prompted the crowd to burst into a fit of laughter, but Niu Bing didn't seem to mind.

After all the laughter died down, Pang Shan turned her head toward Cheng Yang and asked, "Lord, is it possible for Liu Xiyue to transfer?"

Cheng Yang switched his sight onto Liu Xiyue, making the receiving party couldn't help but feel somewhat nervous.

After a long time has passed, Cheng Yang said, "Letting her transfer isn't a problem, but not now. At the moment, all the transfer quota of the few statues in the territory has been used up, so she'll need to wait until after the statues upgrade. This won't take too long either, the most it'll be two days."

Liu Xiyue was pleasantly surprised, quickly she said, "Thank you...... Lord." Frankly speaking, she had somewhat of a hard time changing her habits and addressing someone with the unfamiliar term Lord.

"It's nothing but a small matter. Eventually, you'll have to transfer anyway." Cheng Yang said.

"Lord, what about us?" Zhou Jie nervously asked. Although they had heard from Cheng Yang beforehand that they had a chance to transfer, but in the end they didn't get an exact answer. Therefore, some apprehension was also unavoidable.

Cheng Yang calmly assured them, "Both of you are the same."

"Thank you, Lord." Zhou Jie and Wang Lu immediately became delighted

Cheng Yang looked at the crowd, and couldn't help but ask, "You have so many people come to find me, it wasn't just for this matter, right?"

Liu Hao immediately explained, "How could it be? These matters are simply incidental, the main affair hasn't been said yet. Captain Lee, if you will."

Cheng Yang immediately turned his attention to Lee Wanshan, and was suddenly enlightened. Perhaps they had some suggestions regarding to the management of the territory. If it were anything else, Liu Hao wouldn't have asked for Lee Wanshan to speak.

Lee Wanshan stepped forward and said, "Lord, it's this. Presently, our Luo Feng Village territory's population has grown to nearly 20,000, with even the number of profession over 800 people. But right now, the management system is a bit chaotic. It could even be said to be loose. Whether it's regarding the usage of the residences or the living supplies provided to the ordinary people, both have some problems. So last night we had a discussion and came up with some proposals we would like to share with the Lord."

"Speak, no need to be so polite." Cheng Yang added.

Lee Wanshan said, "Thank you, Lord. There are two points I would like to make in my proposal. The first point of my proposal is to choose several people from the general population with management experience to handle the tasks of distributing materials as well as mediate between conflicting parties. As for the second point, it concerns looking for suitable candidates, specifically people to transfer to profession and set up conditions which make it possible for them to have their own private residence. Lord, as you know, in the heart of our countrymen, the word home is very important. Therefore, having a place where people can call their home is a very significant matter."

Cheng Yang immediately said, "Old Lee, your proposal is very good. So be it, I'm going to have to trouble you with the first matter to look for the appropriate people for those tasks, and if they are selected, later they will have first priority for transfer. However, when you choose people, make sure to pay attention to those with a strong bureaucratic ideology. Don't select these type of people."

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