Chapter 94- Small Beastfolk Camp

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Niu Bing looked conflicted, his face was full of hesitation. In the end, Niu Bing spoke through gritted teeth; he explained, "Ok, I'll tell you. Actually what I said a moment ago wasn't false. Yesterday afternoon, we really didn't pay attention to the direction we were going, and ended up walking a bit too far from the territory. At that time, we were walking downward from Huimin Town. About three or four kilometers from Huimin Town, there was a mountain ridge. And at that mountain ridge, we saw a small village. Inside were a lot of enchanted beasts. They could walk upright, and behave just like people."

Cheng Yang heard only half of the story, but had already known what Niu Bing was going to says next.

Following the transformation of this world, mankind named the monsters that appeared in this world enchanted beast or alienation beast. This naming, to some extent, was for humans' self-satisfaction because the word beast represented low intelligence. The actual situation was also basically the same. The overwhelming majority of the enchanted beast and alienation beast that appeared had low intelligence.

But there were some exceptions. There were some enchanted beasts that had a distinct difference from ordinary enchanted beast. They had a high degree of wisdom, even so much that there was no difference when comparing to human. The enchanted beast that came from Niu Bing's mouth just then belonged to this category.

Unlike other enchanted beasts' groups, this kind of enchanted beasts occupied their own stronghold, and had formed its own social systems. To some extent, they were already "people". Most people still referred to them as enchanted beast, but there were some that recognized such enchanted beast had distinct nature that separated them from the ordinary enchanted beast, and began addressing them as "Beastfolk".

There weren't many Beastfolk groups in this world. It might also be due to mankind not encountering much Beastfolks in the one year's time in the previous apocalypse.

Coincidentally, there was a Beastfolk stronghold(camp) in the surrounding of Xiangcheng City. It was the one Niu Bing just mentioned.

Although Beastfolk and enchanted beast had a great deal of difference, but they were nevertheless essential the same. Because they and human were like fire and water. As long as humans went into their region, there was no chance of returning without an incident.

But what was strange was that these Beastsfolks seemed to suffer from some type of restrictions. Their scopes of activities were limited, and they couldn't attack human settlements.

Because of all these reasons, humans and Beastfolks basically had no contact with one another. This was why people living in stations had a limited understanding on Beastfolk. So much that their knowledge on Beastfolk could be said to be the most basic common sense.

As a result of this long period of mutual non-disturbance, humans gradually adapted to the presence of Beastfolk, even turning a blind eye to their existence. Cheng Yang had not thought of them one bit before, because the existence of Beastfolk was equivalent to air.

However, knowing that Niu Bing mentioned them once more, Cheng Yang quickly raised his vigilance on the Beastfolks. Although mankind had turn a blind eye to the Beastfolks, but that did not mean that the Beastfolks were not strong. On the contrary, even before Cheng Yang's rebirth, mankind did not understand how strong the powerful presences in the Beastfolk camp really was to the end.

Before, Cheng Yang was simply an insignificant profession that could be found in the crowd. The existence of Beastfolk camp was far too remote from him. However, it wasn't the same then. At this point, he was Luo Feng Village's Lord. For the Beastfolk camp that was seven to eight kilometers away from Luo Feng Village, he had to attach significant amount of attention.

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