Chapter 116- Captives

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"Mi....Miss come you're here?" Zhao Xun finally spoke through his knotted tongue.

Liu Xiyue couldn't help but glance at him with a cold expression and said, "Captain Zhao, I am only a small chess piece, how could I afford to be called miss by you."

Zhao Xun cursed in his heart, 'Smelly B****, don't act so arrogant just because you have a pretty face. Without your backer, what are you? Just a ****, that's what!'

But on his face, he didn't dare to show the slight hint of dissatisfaction, because he had at this time guessed the identity of the person that was next to Liu Xiyue. The opposite side was likely to have the strength to kill him in a second. He didn't want his life to be ruined here because his impulsiveness.

"Haha Miss Liu, you sure can tell a joke. How could us little people be compared to your noble identity? When I saved Miss Liu from the ruins, I could tell that that miss was destined for a rich and powerful life. And look, aren't you flourishing now?" Zhao Xun dryly laughed.

Liu Xiyue coldly snorted and was about to retort when Cheng Yang interjected, "Stop, there's no need to speak nonsense with him. Your surname is Zhao, right?" Cheng Yang's last sentence was clearly pointed at Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun's body slightly trembled, he was really scared that the opposition might sent an ice puck his way, he hurriedly replied, "Yes, yes, my surname is Zhao. I don't know.....if sir, has any orders for me?"

Before the end, Zhao Xun was a senior executive from Lu Gaofeng company. At that time, apart from reporting to the ceo, he didn't even placed other people in front of his eyes. But why was such a person so submissive now? It just means the current situation was drastically different from then, he knew that if he doesn't lower his head a bit, that there was no chance of him leaving here alive.

Suddenly, in Cheng Yang's hands appeared a large bundle of rope, he threw it to the front of Zhao Xun and said, "Will you tie yourself up? Or do I have to do it myself?"

Zhao Xun's expression abruptly changed, he hesitated before speaking, "Sir.....I don't think that is such a good idea."

Cheng Yang chuckled in response, "What's wrong with it? If you do it yourself, I can also save myself some troubles. Of course, if I have to do it, some clashes may be inevitable. But you can rest assured that I have no meanings of killing you guys, because if I wanted to, then there would not had been a need to tie everyone up."

Right as he spoke those lines, a green furred monkey just so happened to respawn not too far to the left of Cheng Yang; Cheng Yang immediately threw an ice puck directly at it. Before the green furred monkey could opened its eyes, it had already been turned into dust, and returned back into the earth.

This action not only surprised Zhao Xun, but also startled all the men behind him. Some of them had been wondering why Zhao Xun was putting on such a cowardly performance, but now they realized the reasons why. It wasn't that Zhao Xun didn't want to act tough, but he dare not! At this moment, some even felt Zhao Xun was a really wise leader. He was practically the role model of knowing when to be flexible.

Zhao Xun's face became somewhat ugly to behold. Even though he didn't want to clash with Cheng Yang right at this moment, but if he really did tied himself up, he reckoned that when the main city comes to rescue him that would also be the time when his career end; perhaps, his body would also be chopped into pieces.

Imagining about the consequences that might occurred later on, Zhao Xun decided to clench his teeth and tried his luck, he asked, "Sir, there is no need for us to clash with one another, right? Also, isn't this bullying going a bit too far?"

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