Chapter 74- Harvest

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After the benefits had been confirmed, Cheng Yang became more careful.

However, the gap between these level 2 power value stones and himself was quite far, so Cheng Yang had no choice but to slowly move toward them. During this process, Cheng Yang was able to absorb the level 1 power value stones he had picked up earlier off of the ground.

Although every moment made Cheng Yang on edge, but in this process he was happy. After all, it only took a few seconds to increase his power value by 10 points. If his position were replaced with somebody else, they would also be in a very cheerful mood.

Granted that with Cheng Yang's present strength, even if countless enchanted beasts in the first early-order were to remain immobile for him to kill, he would also require ten seconds to obtain 10 power values. Relatively speaking, Cheng Yang was more than willing to harvest power value with this kind of efficiency.

After more than 10 minutes, Cheng Yang finally picked up a level 2 power value stone, which he then carefully placed into the backpack.

At the moment, Cheng Yang felt that even if a gold-grade equipment were to be placed in front of him in exchange for these power value stones, he would not be willing to exchange them. Because relatively speaking, to him these power value stones were much more beneficial.

So after nearly an hour, Cheng Yang finally reached the third level 2 power value stone. The whole process went without a hitch. Furthermore, there was no emergence of giant rat.

Cheng Yang slowly bent down to collect the power value stone and placed it into the backpack.

After getting up, Cheng Yang saw faintly visible in front was a few level 1 power value stones. He decided to go pick up these ores first before making his next course of action.

After Cheng Yang advanced a few steps, he discovered in front was a curve. It's no wonder that a moment ago he couldn't see any farther into the distance.

At this time, Cheng Yang suddenly had a bad premonition. Without a chance to react, noises of running can be heard in the distance with a tempo exactly the same as the giant rat that previously emerged.

"There really is a......" Cheng Yang had yet to finish a line of verse before he turned and ran.

After running back for ten meters, Cheng Yang turned around to take a look, and sure enough he saw a huge sized giant rat coming out from the corner. On its head wore a pair of serene blue colored eyes that was staring straight at him.

When he saw this huge enchanted beast, Cheng Yang's tension went down a lot, because this monster was exactly the same as the one he had just killed. Since the first giant rat could be killed, then naturally the second one could be too. The only thing that made him depressed was that he had to consume a bottle of health potion.

At this time, Cheng Yang somewhat regretted bringing with him so little health potion. If he had known things were going to be like this, he would have prepared more of them. As for the mana potion, its role at the moment was very limited.

This time Cheng Yang didn't dare be as adventurous as last time. After the aftermath of an attack, he immediately consumed a bottle of health potion, and then continued attacking.

After the death of this huge sized giant rat, Cheng Yang's health value was left with only 20 points.

Seeing this pitiful health value, Cheng Yang became conflicted. Should I use a bottle of health potion right now or not?

Cheng Yang took one look at the countdown on his personal properties, and saw that there are still three hours and 12 minutes. However, right now he only had three bottles of health potion remaining.

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