Chapter 96- Turning Into Armies

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At the same time Cheng Yang finished replacing Liu Xiyue's weapon, Yu Kai and the others had also already chosen the people, and completed the transfer.

Honestly, to complete this task didn't require much time from them, since each team captain had already picked out the people beforehand. And the only requirement he had was that the people included in the territory's blacklist were not allowed to transfer. For example, people such as Hu Jun and the others.

These past several days, Hu Jun had also been secretly begging Zhao Chuan, hoping that the opposite side could give him a profession change. He was, after all, Huimin Town's mayor, while Zhao Chuan was a teacher from Huimin Town. Although, they didn't have any social interactions with one another, but he was still aware of his name.

But how could Zhao Chuan agree to this request? It was an explicit order from the Lord to not let this person transfer, because this Hu Jun was an example raised up by the Lord. An example of what would happen to those who didn't obey the territory administration.

The current state Hu Jun was in was quite awful. He wasn't in ragged clothes or unfed, but almost all of the refugees avoided him like the plague. Naturally, several of his relatives also suffered from the same hardships. At the moment, whether it was the people that were already in Luo Feng Village or those that had newly arrived, everyone knew that Hu Jun hadn't just once opposed the Lord, but also wanted to seize power from him. Such a person, who would dare mix together with him?

Of course, to Cheng Yang and others, Hu Jun was just a clown. Naturally, they didn't pay it much heed.

At this point the five profession brigades had expanded their scales to 432 people for each brigade. It seemed the team structure Cheng Yang and others had discussed prior came earlier than expected.

All Luo Feng Village's five profession teams were then made up of two fully packed brigades, with each brigade consisted of 200 people. The 30 or so remaining people was brought together to form a squadron, and was attached to one of the brigade.

With these transfers, the number of professions in Luo Feng village had broken through 2,000 people. Perhaps, compared with the current condition of Xiangcheng City's main city, there was a certain gap, but on the combat effectiveness it was definitely in no way inferior. After all, Cheng Yang was an anomaly which couldn't be inferred with normal common sense.

After doing all of the preparations for the five teams, the personnel for managing the teams was also determined. Regarding this matter, Liu Hao and the others had already made the proper preparations. They had already elected the reserves for the various teams, and then, after the teams had expanded, these people were drawn out for the job.

The teams were ready. Only question left was what to name the teams. According to their argument, with several hundred people together, it couldn't be justified to not have a resounding name.

Cheng Yang didn't want the headache of naming the teams, so he threw the problem directly at them, so they can think of it for themselves.

Suddenly, all sorts of names from the crowd were thrown out. Some sounded exotic, while others were just plain weird.

After more than 10 minutes, all the names were finalized. Those names that were difficult to pronounce was the first to be rejected and shot down.

As for the five teams' name, Yu Kai's team was called Fox Hunt Army, Liu Hao's team was called Wind Chasing Army. Niu Bing's team was called Mad Bull Army. Lee Wanshan's team was called Crouching Tiger Army. Zhao Chuan's team was called Snow Leopard Army.

"Haha...... People, later we have a name." Liu Hao said as he faced his team.

Yu Kai attacked back, "You're speaking as if you didn't have name before in general."

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