Chapter 69- High Housing Price

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Three seconds after the voice faded, the sky shed an intense ray of light, which instantly shrouded the entire earth.

All the survivors felt a stabbing pain in their eyes as their vision were completely covered in white. Their body seemed to as if covered in some type of membrane, but no one seemed to perceive it.

After a few seconds, the white light dispersed, and everyone's line of sight gradually returned to normal.

People outside the main city found no changes had occurred to the surrounding. However, it wasn't the same for the people inside the main city.

Previously, the main city only had several sparse buildings, while the rest of the areas were in ruins. But now the ruins had disappeared, and its place was a series of buildings. Not only that, the original light screen which covered an area of 10 square kilometers had then expanded by a full four to five times, making it envelope almost half of Xiangcheng City.

In close proximity to the six shops were a series of villas, which looked very luxurious. And in the outer circle were a series of ancient-style lofts, which aligned in rows forming long columns. These lofts were all three floors high. In the most periphery circle, there was a high-rise building, which resembled the previously collapsed buildings.

All those that saw this scene had yet to figure out what's going on. But a few seconds later, they discovered their mind unexpectedly received some new information, all of which related to these buildings.

At this time, they realized the function of these buildings. Simply put, these buildings were built by God for them to live in. This was also the reward the voice mentioned of a moment ago.

These buildings weren't ordinary residences. They also differed from the residences built in Luo Feng Village. Of course, there was something they both had in common. Namely, both of them offered cultivation speed bonus to profession.

Of course, this wasn't a free lunch. In order to live in these buildings, they had to pay a certain amount of power value. People could choose to directly buy the residence, or they could choose to rent them.

In the main city, those rows of villas in the center were without doubt the best, but their price were also appalling. If they wanted to rent them, each month would cost 100,000 power values. As for buying, no one dared think about it.

Yuan Jianze originally thought that after taking control of Xiangcheng City's main city, he should be very rich. But once he found out the conditions for the usage of these villas, he discovered himself to be a poor person, a very poor person.

However, the benefit of the villa was very tempting to him. Because by cultivating inside, he could double the cultivation speed.

Although it appeared that the daily power value consumption for using the villa was much higher than directly using power value to double the cultivation speed, but after people's strength increased, and the basic skill reached a certain level, this consumption would instead be lower. Moreover, the maximum capacity of a villa could accommodate up to 10 people. So by this conversion, each person consumed only 300 power values per day, which could be described as dirt cheap.

What was more, the role of the villa wasn't just for cultivation. It was also a place of shelter, and a symbol of status ...

Compared with the high cultivation efficiency of the villa, the lofts in the surrounding was a lot cheaper. But the loft wasn't sold alone, but in rental units. Each loft has two to five rooms, with price ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 power values per month. Moreover, the cultivation speed bonus wasn't the same, for loft it's only 50%. The only difference between lofts were their sizes and the amount of people each could accommodate. By calculation, and if the capacity were full, each person needed to pay 30 power values per day to live in them.

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