Chapter 180 - Unexpectedly

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After Cheng Yang set Li Wanshan as the deputy village chief, he immediately summoned the territorial guards and announced Li Wanshan's identity to them. "At the same time, two territorial guards were assigned as assistants to Li Wanshan to assist him in his work.

Cheng Yang sent the territorial guards to help Li Wanshan. Actually, he did not really want the territories to protect their internal affairs. Instead, he hoped to announce this to all the combatants in the territory and the people who had not yet transferred. The identity of the territorial guards is very special in the village of Luofeng. All people know that they represent Cheng Yang. Therefore, the protection of the two territories follows Li Wanshan, which allows others to accept his identity.

Afterwards, Cheng Yang made a job announcement and personally signed his name on it, and then posted it on the outer wall of the Alchemy Room, which also completed the appointment of Li Wanshan.

Maybe this may seem like a child's play, but it is also due to the frustration of this special situation. Who can not build any building on the land within the scope of the previous territory without permission?

Fortunately, now that the rules of the world have changed, this situation will soon be reversed. As long as it is above the ground, it is entirely possible to build some buildings that are not set by rules. Only these buildings do not have special functions and they are relatively expensive.

According to Cheng Yang's plan, the first place to be built is the office of the lord and the main management personnel. The various departments will also be established one after another, such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Logistics, Propaganda Department, and Ministry of Construction. mechanism.

But for these things, Cheng Yang was an amateur. In the last days of the last century, although he knew the establishment of institutions in some territories, he only knew one thing. The specific thing was not known. After all, he was only a lone man. , feel no need to care about these things.Fortunately, Li Wanshan is still relatively familiar with this aspect of the matter, and it is also more secure to hand him over to Cheng Yang.

It may be at this time. Zhao Chuan sprinted from a distance and saw Cheng Yang and Li Wanshan all here. Immediately he said, "Lord, something strange happened outside. There was a lot of people out of the wall who didn't know how to happen. Those people appeared to be strange. I fear that they are not people in this world. For the time being, let them not come in. Lord, you still have to go and see it."

Cheng Yang suddenly surprised, he really did not expect such a situation. But after an instant he just understood, and he said: "Don't worry. Those people are refugees in other parts of the city. Put them in and settle in. Lao Li, this matter will be handed over to you. "

Li Wanshan nodded and immediately asked Zhao Chuan:" Zhao commanded, how many refugees there are outside? "

Zhao Chuan did not think that Cheng Yang let Li Wanshan deal with this matter what is wrong, and immediately said:" There are almost ten Ten thousand people, just after the changes in the world's rules, an additional investigation technique was added to my skills list. Through this skill, I discovered that those outside are just ordinary people. There is not a single person."

Cheng Yang already knows reconnaissance skills. The existence of this is not surprising. Li Wanshan opened his own property panel curiously and quickly looked at it.

Reconnaissance: You can view the biological properties below their own strength. The greater the difference in strength, the more detailed the data investigated.

"This is a very effective skill. It will be much more convenient later." Li Wanshan said with a sigh, and then said. "Lord, I'll just go out and see. But... I still have to use Fuhu Camp again, otherwise the order of 100,000 people can't be well maintained."

Cheng Yang said with a smile: "You went to Lu Cheng. Yes, an instant announcement of my decision.Zhao Chuan, your snow leopard camp also assisted with Lao Li, a main battle camp deterrent is not enough.Yes, I am afraid you still do not know, after Lao Li will not manage Fuhu The camp, which is responsible for the internal affairs of the territory, is at the same level as you."

Zhao Chuan gave a glimpse of this and soon accepted the matter. In his opinion, Cheng Yang was the lord, what he announced was the final decision. .

Li Wanshan then left with Zhao Chuan. They also need to call their own troops.

Cheng Yang walked alone towards the periphery of the village and arrived on the fence in less than a moment.

There are many people around the wall at the moment. Even though the wall of the village of Lengfeng stretches for more than 10 kilometers, these refugees will obviously not be scattered everywhere. Their purpose is to enter the village, so naturally all of them are congested near the wall gate.

According to Cheng Yang's estimation, there are at least 30,000 to 40,000 people outside the gates he stays on the east side. The situation of the other three gates is similar. It seems that Zhao Chuan's estimated 100,000 refugees were still too conservative.

Now the bottom is endless. All people are clamoring for the people in the village to open the door. Most of them are asking for permission, but some people are not so friendly.

Cheng Yang now fully affirms his inner thoughts. It seems that this is indeed a refugee who was sent to his village. Moreover, Cheng Yang estimates that there are not only such refugees outside the village of Luofeng, but also some other affiliated villages.

This is something that Cheng Yang did not expect. The last generation of refugees was only available in the main city, but no one in the world had occupied the altar in the field.

Cheng Yang estimated that the refugees were put in order to deliver these people who had lasted one month in the last days to a region that could be transferred and relatively safe. There was no village before, and the refugees could only target the main city.

This time Cheng Yang grabbed the field garrison first, and also got four affiliated garrisons. According to the rules, these villages have met the standards for refugees.

According to the last century's situation, survivors of the entire Yucheng area will only be sent to the main city or field resident in the Yucheng area. Before the end of the day, Yucheng has a population of nearly 7 million. After the end of the day, even if two-thirds died, there are still nearly three million people. Deducting the original surviving population of over 500,000 in the main urban area of ​​Gaocheng City, the population to be deployed this time should be about 2 million.

Now that there are only 100,000 survivors around the village of Laifeng, the situation of the other affiliated resident sites is similar to this, and the total population will not exceed 700,000. As such, larger-scale survivors should be placed in the main city.

So many refugees have entered the main city. It is estimated that Yuan Jianze has enough of those people to drink a pot, right? The same was true of the last century, and the entire city was confused for four or five days before it became better.

Suddenly, Cheng Yang frowned and the people in the affiliated places did not know the situation. They could handle it properly.

Fortunately, when these people were put in, the gods already printed information about their transfer to their minds, which also saved a lot of trouble.As long as they can give enough deterrence to those outside, they should be able to steadily pass.

Some of the people below found Cheng Yang. Although they do not know Cheng Yang's identity, they can be seen from the attitude of other people to Cheng Yang. Cheng Yang definitely belongs to a relatively high status in the village. Many people began to shout to Cheng Yang, hoping that he could open the door and let them in. Some of them would inevitably have stiffer voices.

It's no wonder that these people are so anxious. Who wants them to be outside the village? In the event that an enchanted beast is refreshed, they may be in danger.

Cheng Yang also understood this situation and immediately shouted, "You are quiet first. I will let people open the door and let you in."

With Cheng Yang's strength, his full voice shouted down everyone else. Instantly calm down.

However, this quietness only lasted for a few seconds, and then there was a person who said loudly: "On what basis can we wait outside? If an enemies beast to kill, can you be responsible?"

Cheng Yang looks like an idiot. After staring at the man, he bluntly said, "Why should I be responsible? I open the door to let you in. It is my kindness. I will not let you in. It is my duty. If you dictate again, you will not need to come in today. "

Although that person is a arrogant person, but at that time in Cheng Yang that murderous eyes, but did not dare to say half a word. Just now when he said that sentence, he had already regretted it. Now he is questioned by Cheng Yang, which dares to say anything.

Although they do not know how powerful the combatants are in the end, in the messages sent by the gods to them, as long as they are transferred to the post, they can contend with the most common enemies. In such a comparison, they will know the difference in strength.

Obviously, the people on the front wall are definitely war wrestlers, because the information they get is the buildings in the village that allow them to transfer jobs.

Cheng Yang did not pay attention to this person. He was not a bloodthirsty person. Although this person was a stinger, Cheng Yang could not have slaughtered the other person because of a sentence. Moreover, there are still tens of thousands of people watching outside. These people will all be leaders of the village of Luofeng Village. If they leave behind an impression of a bloodthirsty lord, it would not be so good.

In Cheng Yang's view, the lord can be majestic and can kill people who have committed serious mistakes. However, if the other side casually said a few words and then hit the other side to kill the other side, this lord estimated that there will not be much future.

Although Cheng Yang has now given the thorn to the deterrent, the following people are still turmoil. They are really worried that the enchanted beast will be refreshed.

Cheng Yang continued loudly: "You don't have to worry. The area under your feet is also part of the land of the village of Luofeng Village. Within the one kilometer area outside the fence, there will be no enemies. You can rest assured."

The following people listened to Cheng Yang's words and doubted the letter, but at least they were relieved. In addition, they have been here for nearly half an hour. It is true that there is indeed no demonized beast around it. This is normal time and it is completely abnormal.

At this time, Li Wanshan came to the camp with Fuhu Camp and Zhaochuan Snow Leopard, built a solid wall inside the gate, and then Cheng Yang ordered the opening of the door.

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