Chapter 5: Port Angeles

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        It's been two weeks since we went night swimming. The guys and I hang out all the time. Although the last week brought some really bad news, Harry Clearwater had a heart attack and died. Losing him was hard on me but it was even harder on his family and I'm making sure that I am there for them through it all. It was a beautiful funeral and I constantly make meals for them. 

        We've been spending a lot of time at Sam and Emily's house and the beach. They come to my house early in the morning and play with Jackson until I get up, deciding on our plans before I'm even awake. 

        Last night I got a text message in our group chat telling me that the boys are going to be busy most of the day helping Sam and some of the tribe's elders with their council meeting. 

        I woke up at about 10 this morning and got ready thinking that Katie may let me borrow her car so that I can go shopping in Port Angeles. 

        I just wore jeans and a plain blue cropped t shirt so that I was comfortable walking around. Once I made my way downstairs, I met Katie in the kitchen making Jackson oatmeal. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and poured my cereal into it before pouring my milk. 

        Once she settled next to me I finally looked up and asked, "Katie, do you think I can borrow your car today so I can go shopping in Port Angeles?"

        "Yeah of course. I don't have any plans today anyway. I just think that you shouldn't go alone. There have been random attacks all over Forks, Port Angeles and all the way to Seattle, they're saying its a huge bear." 

        I'm surprised that no one has mentioned it before. But her asking me to take someone gave me a great idea. "I think I'm going to call Leah and ask her to come with me. I miss having girl days with her. Plus I think she needs the distraction and some time away from the reservation". Katie told me that it sounded like a great idea. 

        After I got done eating and did my dishes, I got my phone out and called Leah. She picked up after two rings and was the first to talk. 


        "Hey Leah, do you want to go to Port Angeles with me today? I need a girls day." 

        "Yeah I could use one too. What time do you want to go?" 

        "Whenever you're ready"

        "I was supposed to be helping the elders set up before their council thing, but you know my mom will be ecstatic that we are going out. I'm already dressed, so you can come get me whenever" 

        "Alright let me grab my stuff and I'll be there in five." 

        I quickly hung up my phone putting it in my purse along with my wallet. I grabbed Katie's keys before giving her and Jackson hugs. I made my way out of the house and into the car taking the familiar roads to the Clearwater's house. 

        Leah was already on her front steps waiting for me while Sue was standing in the door way waving. As soon as she saw my car, Leah was walking toward where I was pulling up. She said goodbye to her mom and climbed in the passenger seat, immediately grabbing my phone so that she could pick the music. The ride to Port Angeles was pretty much just spent listening to music and singing along to our favorite songs. The hour long ride felt like it was half that. Leah and I have always gotten along really well, it was when she got older and I still acted childish that we drifted. 

        Leah has never been a big fan of shopping but I could tell that she was desperate to get out of the council thing.  I parked the car in front of a little boutique that seems like it would have my kind of clothes in it. We made our way through the entire store and I found three shirts and a skirt that I was buying. We went into a couple of other stores where I found a couple of things. Once I noticed that I was hungry, we walked to an Italian restaurant that was nearby. 

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