Chapter 61: Wedding Drama

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      There was a knock at the door, but I was feeding Olivia so I just yelled, "Come in" and listened as the person got closer. Seth entered the living room with a large box, setting it down on the table before taking the baby and helping her finish her bottle. I just gave him a confused look, "What is this?".

      "Alice called and asked me to bring this to you. I have no idea what it is", I just nodded and untied the bow on top of the box, pulling the lid off to see a note. 

          Please reconsider coming today, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure Paul would love to spend the day with Olivia. I took it upon myself to get you this dress, and I hope that you wear it today.  - Alice

      I moved the tissue paper out of the way to reveal a satin, blue dress with a small slit on the thigh. I pulled it out to take a closer look at the dress, it is more of a tight fitting dress and the back of it had a zipper going down it. "Please come with me, I'm going to be bored without you", Seth turned Olivia so that he could burp her while he still looked at me. 

      "I'll talk to Paul", as if on queue, the back door opened and shut again and a couple seconds later Paul walked into the living room. 

      "Talk to me about what?", he placed a kiss on my lips before kissing Olivia on her head. He has been getting better on letting the pack and the elders hold her when he's around, but if he doesn't know them well, he will not have it. 

      "Alice sent me a dress, she wants me to go to the wedding today and so does Seth", I elbowed the boy as I said his name and just smiled at Paul to see what he would say. 

      "Do you want to go?", I gave him a little nod so he continued. "Then it's settled, you're going to the wedding and I will get alone time with the little wolf over here", he grabbed Olivia from Seth and placed another kiss on her head. 

      "Alright Seth, go get ready. I'll ride with you, your mom, and Billy", he nodded and gave me a hug before heading out the door. I looked back to Paul and grabbed the box off of the table, "Are you going to come upstairs with me while I get ready?", he nodded and stood up, letting me walk in front of him. As I was walking up the stairs he slapped my ass and made me yelp a little before I gave him a dirty look. 

      "You're terrible, what if that leaves a mark?", he just laughed loud and earned a noise from our almost month old baby. 

      "Nobody should be seeing your ass but me, so it won't matter if it leaves a mark", he said as we made it to our bedroom. Paul laid on the bed with Olivia, taking glances at me every so often as I got ready.

      About an hour later, I slipped on my dress and turned around to Paul, "Can you zip me up?". He got up off of the bed and slowly zipped up the dress, wrapping his arms around me when it was done. 

      "You look gorgeous baby, I wish that I could go with you and dance with you", I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. As we pulled away we heard the front door slam and then Seth started yelling. 

      "Cammy, are you ready to go?", he started up the stairs when he didn't see us in the living room. 

      "Yeah, just give me one second", I told him as I turned back to Paul who has Olivia in his arms. "Don't forget to feed her and yourself, I'll be back tonight", I gave him another quick kiss, "I love you". 

      "I love you too, now go", he said as he pushed me toward Seth before I could change my mind and stay home with them. 

      Seth and I made our way out to Sue's car, we both climbed into the back seat as Sue greeted me, "That dress looks great on you sweetheart, I'm glad you decided to come with us". I just gave her a smile as she turned her attention to the road so that we could get to the Cullen's house. 

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