Chapter 35: Thanksgiving

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      I woke to my alarm at 7 this morning, I told Emily that I would help her make the food for today. She probably already had the turkey in the oven, I heard rustling downstairs but Paul was fast asleep next to me so I didn't want to move too fast from the bed. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before I slipped out of the bed, laying the covers down slowly. I pulled on leggings and a gray sweater before making my way to the bathroom. Once I finished, I washed my hands and then walked downstairs to hear Emily, "Dammit. I'm never going to get this done", I shook my head and entered the kitchen to see all of the recipes and ingredients spread all across the counter. 

      "Put me to work Em. What needs to be started now?", she looked to me and seemed to relax a little at the sight. She sighed and sorted through the recipes all around the kitchen before grabbing one and meeting me by the fridge. 

      "Well we can relax for a little while, but the cold desserts should be started soon so that they have enough time to completely set. Let's eat breakfast first", I nodded my head but when I opened the fridge to see that there was barely any thing for us to eat. 

      I shut the door and turned back to her as she settled at the table, "How about I go to the coffee shop and grab a couple dozen donuts and bagels and some coffee for you". She nodded and went to grab money out of her purse, "I'm not taking your money Emily, I got this". She nodded her head and I grabbed Paul's keys off the counter as he walked down the stairs. 

      "Where are you going and why are you up so early", he rubbed his eyes and waited for them to focus on me. He looked down to my hands and saw his truck keys which made him even more confused. 

      "I'm going to run and grab donuts, bagels and some coffee. Go back to sleep, you got in really late last night. I'll be back long before you wake up", he nodded his head and walked back up the stairs, closing the bedroom door behind him. 

      I turned back to Emily, "Is there anything in particular that you want?", she shook her head no and with that I grabbed my wallet and made my way outside in the cold winter air. Paul has a sweatshirt that I pulled on when I got into the truck, I started the truck and immediately drove towards the Forks Coffee Shop. 

      I was there in less than fifteen minutes, due to the fact that I didn't hit any red lights and there was pretty much no one on the roads. I parked right in front of the shop, climbing out of the truck and heading into the warm shop that smelled like fresh coffee. "Good morning, what can I get for you today?"

      I smiled at the girl, "Hi can I get two dozen donuts, two large coffees, and six bagels". She nodded and took my debit card out of my hand to run it through the machine. Once it was accepted, she handed it back to me and got to work on the order. 

      I took a seat next to the counter, pulling out my phone and texting Katie and my dad, 

Cammy: Happy thanksgiving 

Katie: Happy thanksgiving Cammy. I hope you have a good day

      I stared at the phone in hope that my father would answer, but he never did. I finally looked away from my phone when she placed all of the boxes in front of me. I took the boxes in one arm with the coffee on top of it. I said a thank you and then made my way back out to the truck, I placed all of the items onto the hood while I unlocked the door, once I had it open I placed the items on the seat next to me. I pulled out of the parking spot slowly, a hand staying on the coffees as I drove back onto the freeway. 

      I pulled up in front of the house, a new car was there but I recognized it to be Sue's car. I put the truck in park and then turned it off, I grabbed all of the items, and kicked the door shut behind me. 

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