Chapter 53: Officially Ours

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      "Can you guys just act normal for like one minute. Just load the stuff into the truck and I will drive it the minute down the road", I was watching from the kitchen as Jared, Paul, Jake, Sam, and Seth all piled mine and Paul's belongings on the back porch. 

      "Babe just stay here until I tell Emily to bring you over, I want to get it set up for you. And since it is my house too, I can do whatever I want", Paul smirked at me while leaning against the wall by the door. The rest of the boys went 'ooh', except Sam. 

      Sam came up behind Paul and slapped him in the back of the head, "I can keep Cammy here Paul", he shook his head at the words coming out of his cousins mouth. Sam continued, "So quit being a jackass, she's carrying your baby". Paul just rolled his eyes, while walking to me and then pulling me out of my chair. 

      He pulled one of my hands up to his mouth, placing a warm kiss on the back of it while his other hand rested on my side, "I love you so much, and I appreciate everything that you do for me. I feel like I should also apologize because this baby seems like she is going to be a big baby, and I would be the cause of that".  

      I rolled my eyes this time and after he gave me a kiss on the cheek I pushed him away from me, "Can you just go 'do whatever you want' and get our house ready sometime today". He smiled at me and then turned to the boys, with that simple action all five of them were outside and walking down the small path. 

     I turned back to Emily, "Do you know what is going on in that house?". She didn't say anything, she only smiled and I took that as a yes, "Emily, you know I hate secrets. Come on why couldn't somebody else be out of the loop too". I just sighed and leaned back in the kitchen chair so that I was looking at the ceiling. I wasn't focused on anything in particular until I hear familiar little footsteps coming through the house, I turned around to see Jackson and Claire coming towards us. Claire went to Emily, sitting on her lap while Jackson came to me and asked to get picked up as well. 

      He wrapped his chubby arms around my neck and then pulled away, "Hey buddy, what are you doing here?". I started rubbing circles on his back as he turned back to Quil and Embry who were standing at the other side of the table. 

      "Sissy do you want to go to the beach with us?", he gave me his puppy dog eyes that he knows I can't say no to. 

      I nodded my head as to tell him yes, "I have to go upstairs and get dressed, I'll be back in a minute". He just hopped off my lap and went to sit next to Emily and Claire, while I made my way upstairs and grabbed the dress that I laid out for today, sliding it over my head and putting on flip flops before making my way back down stairs. Jackson and Claire were both being held by the boys who were trying to calm their energy down, "Alright lets go you little monsters". After we said goodbye to Emily, we set our way down the small path by the house and let the kids walk in front of us as the three of us just watched them. 

      Embry looked me to, "Hey are you okay, I haven't really heard you breath at all since we started down the path. Nothing will happen, I promise". I gave him a slight smile and let out the breath that I didn't know I was holding in. We didn't really talk the rest of the walk to the beach, the path opened up to the pale sand and rocky area, the kids both ran straight for their favorite spot on the beach with Quil running after them to keep them away from the water. 

      "Embry, why did you guys pick up Jackson?", I turned to look at him as we reached the spot where the others were. 

      "Well I knew that Paul wanted you to stay away from the house today and you haven't seen Jackson in a while, so I figured it would be nice to pick him up and get you out of the house for a little while", I just wrapped my arms around his waist before sitting on the cold sand. 

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