Chapter 62: Anniversary

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      I was sitting in the nursery, feeding Olivia who is about 6 weeks old now, when the door opened up to reveal Paul. He gave me a sweet smile before sitting on the small ottoman in front of me, his eyes dropped down to my exposed chest and I just laughed  at him. His gaze didn't move as my chest moved with my laughter, "Paul, quit staring. You're making me self conscious". 

      He shook his head and leaned forward so that our lips were almost touching, "You have absolutely nothing to be self conscious about. I'm just admiring what's mine, what's been mine for a year now". The smile grew on his face as he leaned in to kiss me, "Happy anniversary gorgeous". 

      "Happy anniversary", I looked down to Olivia who stopped eating and now needed to be burped. I patted her back until I heard the burp before looking back at Paul, "Who would have thought that all of this would have happened this year. I mean look at us, we have a daughter and are living on our own". I just cut myself off as he took Olivia from my lap and onto his own, staring at him in awe as he smiled at our baby. 

      "I wouldn't want things any other way. I love you and our life, I couldn't imagine myself any happier", he leaned in again to give me a kiss. I placed a hand on the back of his neck to bring his closer as we deepened our kiss. Olivia cried between us, making us pull apart before Paul lifted her so that he was looking at her. "Livy, I am so lucky to be your daddy and to have your mommy here with me forever", he placed kisses all over her face before standing up and holding out a hand for me. 

      We walked down the stairs and to the kitchen where he put her in the bouncer on top of the counter as I opened the fridge. "What do you want for breakfast today?", I asked while leaning slightly on the fridge. 

      "You", I felt the blush come to my cheeks immediately and my mouth hung open a little. 

      "Paul", was all I could manage to get out with being so surprised by his answer.

      "I just thought that I should be honest", he kept laughing at me. "One of those amazing breakfast sandwiches will work I guess, but you better make one for yourself. You haven't been eating enough". I turned back into the fridge and smiled at his comment about my eating habits, he cares and it shows. Whenever we are alone he shows me the man that I fell in love with and when we are around the others, he is just protective of me and now our daughter too. 

      I got to work on the stove, cooking some bacon and putting Paul in charge of the toast. Once the bacon was almost done, I made the eggs and placed them onto the toast putting a slice of cheese on top of it and the other piece of toast on top. I handed Paul his plate while I pushed myself up so that I was sitting on the counter next to Liv's bouncer. 

      I showered before Paul left for his mid day patrol, pulling on a dress that I bought in Port Angeles with Leah but I never got to wear it. As soon as Paul walked out the back door and toward the forest, I decided that I wanted to go see Emily for a little while and let her see Liv too. 

      I gave Liv a bath quickly, putting a new diaper on her before her onesie that says 'little wolf' that Sam and Emily bought for Christmas. I buckled her into her car seat and then attached it to the stroller, leaving the house once I had everything I would need. 

      I walked up our dirt drive way and onto the grass patch next to the road, making it to Emily's driveway in a couple of minutes. I rolled the stroller down the driveway and to the front porch but when I got there, Sam was standing on the front porch talking to Embry. They both turned to me and smiled when they heard me coming. When I reached the porch, Embry grabbed the stroller before I could and lifted it up the couple of steps before unbuckling Olivia and pulling her into his arms. 

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