Chapter 47: Bella

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      "Can you please stop arguing with me about this, I want to go to the graduation party. I will go with Jake and the boys. Nothing will happen to me", I looked in the mirror to see Paul pacing behind me. He's running his hands through his hair and tugging a little bit, his sighs filling the room. "Paul you're going to hurt yourself, come here". I stood and let him sit in front of the mirror, taking a seat on his lap. 

     "I get that you trust all of the Cullen's, but I don't. The only reason that we go to Carlisle for the baby is because he is the best doctor in the state. I want both of you to be healthy so I have been dealing with the fact that he is a leech, but I don't want you to go tonight". He looked me in the eyes for the first time since we started this argument twenty minutes ago. I could see the pure worry in his eyes, the brown eyes that I love so much, it almost made me want to stay home for the night, but I wouldn't let Paul win this. 

      "I'm not going to make you mad Paul, I just want to be able to spend time with my friends. Emmett wouldn't let anyone hurt me, I think that the vampires in that house should be the least of your worries. There will be drunk teenagers everywhere, that's what you should be thinking about". He shook his head at me again but he just drew me closer to him, his head resting on my chest and his arms tightening around me. 

      "I know you want to go and have fun, it's just that Sam doesn't trust my anger around the leeches yet. He won't let me go with you, that is what is making this so bad", he sighed again but let me up off of his lap. "Get dressed, the guys will be here any minute now". I nodded and watched as he left the room. I rummaged through my box of clothes from Katie for the dress that she wore to her friends wedding when she was pregnant with Jackson. The pink dress shows off the baby bump and every other curve that I have perfectly. I pulled it all the way down, making sure that it was long enough when I heard Paul again, "Please Sam, reconsider". The begging in his voice made me so sad, but I need to go and feel like a normal teenager before my entire world comes to a stop for whatever is coming our way with the red headed vampire. I heard Sam next, "No Paul, I can't trust you at a party with drinking and vampires. The boys will keep her safe, you know that". 

      I slid the tan sandals on my feet and carried the wedges that I only planned on wearing while I forced one of the boys to dance with me. I opened my door, making sure that I had everything that I would need and then I made my way downstairs. 

      Jake, Quil, and Embry were all listening to Paul's threats as I made it downstairs, "You guys need to keep an eye on her. Please, for the love of god, don't leave her alone at all. I don't want anything to happen to her tonight, she just wants to have some kind of a normal night". The three boys all nodded and then turned their attention to me. Paul's eyes opened wide as he looked me up and down. 

      "Are you trying to kill me?", I gave him an innocent look that showed confusion. 

      "What are you talking about?", he rolled his eyes and met me at the stairs. We were actually eye level for once, the one stair difference gave me a small advantage. 

       He grabbed me by the waist and leaned his head so that he was whispering in my ear, "I am tempted to lift you up and carry you back to bed. You look way too good for other people to be staring at you without me being around to scare them away". I shook my head at him and stepped around him to get to everyone else. 

      Emily looked over to me from the counter, "That dress looks so good on you Cammy. When I get pregnant, I am going to have to borrow it". I laughed at her reaction but Sam's excited expression made me smile. The mention of them having a baby seemed to put him in an amazing mood even though four of the people that he cares about are going to be at the Cullen's house.  

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