Chapter 16: The Concert

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                "Mackenzie we need to leave right now if we want to make it on time." I said from the other side of the bathroom door. She ran out and I picked her up. "sorry I can never get the flower in the right spot." she said has we walked out the door. She was wearing the biggist flower headband that Niall got her last week. Some random security guard was coming and picking all three of us up because Paul had to stay at the concert. Actually now that I think of it I don't even know if Paul knows. I just fingered he wouldn't be able to come so I called Nick and he said he would send someone. 

Dr. Serfron met us downstairs in the lobby. "Okay you have everything set? How is the chemo doing?" He asked paranoid. "Calm down we are fine. These bags are working like a charm." I said showing him the liquid flowing in the tube from under my shirt. "Okay then lets get out of here." He said. I looked outside to see the black van parked out in he front. I went and set Mackenzie in her seat and got in mine next to hers. Dr. Sefron set down in Nialls seat and closed the door behind him. Then we made the short drive to the arena. 

                I had no clue how many fans would be waiting outback this close to when the concert started. I actually think it might of already started with how late we left. I stepped out of the car first causing screams to erupt from the opposite side of the lot. I unbuckled Kenz out of her seat and put her on my hip causing more screams. She was actually warming up to them just a tad bit. She gave a little wave which caused them all to aww. We were walking inside when all of a sudden the screams started again. I turned around to see that Dr. sefron had just gotten out of the car. Let me just tell you that he is not an ugly doctor. I laughed when I saw him jump, startled from the screams. "you'll get used to it." I chuckled. 

                "Louis what the heck! what are you doing here I thought you couldn't come?" Niall said from behind me walking with the rest of the guys. "Nice to see you too. And to answer your question I snuck out and made a run for it." I said in a dead serious tone. "Stop making your self sound cooler than you really are I saw Dr. Sefron talking to Nick down the hall!" Liam said. "Okay yeah he was part of it. I practically bugged him about coming all day." I said. "So can you perform?" Liam asked. "No, I'm still getting treatment right now has we speak and I need to leave early." I said pointing to the backpack. "those things are neat since when did they...... Guys you need to go it's already 7!" Paul called from the stage. "I'm sorry Louis we will see you soon." Harry said. "Bye uncles break a leg" Mackenzie called to them. "Please don't take that literally I don't want to see any of you in the ER tonight." I said. they all laughed and walked off to the stage. 

I went to the side of the stage where Lou and lux usually are watching the show along with wardrobe. When I got there I saw Lou sitting on a huge box with Lux on her lap. I put on Mackenzie's pink headphones to protect her ears and went over with Lou. I set her down on the box and stood next to her. 

                "Hey Louis how are you feeling? I thought the guys told me you couldn't come today." She said. "Yeah I wasn't even suppose to be her but they had these back packs and let us use them." I said. She looked amazed by them. I heard the intro start and the fans went crazy. I hadn't seen it before considering I was only at 3 hours of a rehearsal last week. We had filmed it while on the road earlier this year. When it ended the guys walked on stage and started to sing. Dr. Sefron also came out from behind the stage and stood next to me. 

"This is a pretty cool job to have I guess you are a lucky guy" He said leaning against the bar. "As lucky as they come. well sort of you know what I mean." I said. 

"Oh my Gosh It's Louis! Louis is here!" I heard from above me. I looked up to see a huge group of girls leaning against the rail. I waved at them and they just completely went crazy. "We love you Louis!" They yelled. I just smiled and turned back around. The concert was going by pretty good. During all of my parts the fans sang louder than ever.


                I was sitting there dancing with Mackenzie on my hip to Right Now when Dr. Sefron tapped my shoulder and pointed to his watch. I sadly knew what that meant. Even though the concert was only half way done we had to go back. I locked eyes with Liam and waved goodbye and he gave me a sad look but waved back. Just like that every fan seemed to know I was now in the arena because they were all chanting my name. I smiled and waved to the ones I saw and went behind the stage. "I don't want to go!" Mackenzie said has we got outside and I took off her headphones. "Hey don't worry there will be plenty more to go too." I said putting her in her seat. She smiled.  Dr. Sefron and I got in our spots and the security guard drove us to the hospital. Mackenzie fell asleep on the short drive back so I carried her up to our room with Dr. Sefron on our tail. 

                When we got back Dr. Sefron put our chemo bags back on our IV poles. "You can keep the bags for any other time you might need it in another country. Just in case." He said. "Thank you. And thank you for letting us go." I said. "I knew it meant a lot to you. Now get some rest tomorrow is day three and you know what that means." He said leaving the room closing the door behind him. I was going to put mackenzie is more comfortable clothes but she was so asleep that I didn't want to wake her. She was in a dress anyway. I did take off that headband though because there is no way that is in any form comfortable. I went to go change out of my jeans into sweats and went over back to my bed. I fell asleep as soon has my head hit the pillow. 

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