Chapter 19: Saying goodbye

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"How about this one?" I said holding up a dress. She smiled and nodded. "I like this one!" She said pointing to white and pink striped dress. I grabbed it in her size and put it in our bag. We have been to so many shops trying to get Mackenzie more clothes for school. They are allowed to wear whatever they like has long as it is not to short. Considering it is summer we just stocked her wardrobe with about 20 more sun dresses. And don't forget the bows. We got about 30 more to add to her collection. "Okay lets get you some shoes so we can go home. I am exhausted!" I said after paying and grabbing all of our bags. Mackenzie was trying to hold one with her bows in it but the stores bag was almost half her size. She wouldn't let me take it though so I just let her have it. 

We went to a stride right store and Mackenzie picked some sandals and flats. She also made her get some tennis shoes and socks since they would be doing PE. Finally after shopping for 4 hours we were done. Luckily we had gotten all her binders and pencils and her bag before so we were now officially done. 

"Mum we are back." I said entering the door. "Suppers ready why don't you two go put everything up and come sit." She said calling out from the kitchen. I went down the hall and hung all of mackenzie's new clothes up in her closet. When I got back everybody was sitting around the kitchen table. I went in my seat by Mackenzie and then everybody started serving themselves. I put some mashed potatoes and chicken on a plate for Mackenzie and some vegetables and chicken on a plate for me. We all chatted about the next couple of months ahead.


Kenz I have been in here 3 times already it's time to get up!" I said shaking her shoulder. "Just 2 more hours." She groaned rolling over. Kenz you need to leave here in 20 minuets and still need to get up." I said grabbing her clothes. She told me yesterday she wanted to wear her green top white shorts and pink bow. "Come on Kinz  you get to wear your new clothes!" She raised her arms and I smiled picking her up. I took her to the bathroom and helped her brush her teeth. I then put her in her clothes. "Okay I'm going to go get some breakfast ready. You can go play in your room for a bit if you want." I said. She smiled and went back to her room more awake than 10 minuets ago. 

I went to the kitchen seeing my mum there making some coffee. I had passed Phobe and Daisy in the bathroom getting ready themselves for the first day of 5th grade. I grabbed Mackenzie snackeez cup and put some fruit and juice in it so she could eat on the go. Paul walked in from outside. "I packed all of our stuff in the van. Flight leaves in 2 hours. I nodded and went bad to Mackenzie's room. She was sitting there playing with some little horses we got at the zoo in Austrailia. "hey Kinz you ready?" She looked up and nodded. I picked her up and grabbed her bag to. "Bye mum I will call you when I land." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Bye sweetie please be safe. I'll be ready to pick Kenz up at 3 before I pick the twins up." She said. The twins came up to my legs and hugged them. "Bye loves. I'll talk to you all soon. Be good." I said kissing both of their heads. "Bye Louis I love you" They said at the same time. 

I went out the door and put Mackenzie in her booster seat. I gave her her cup and she started munching on her fruit. When I got in the car Paul drove to the elementary school that I went to. Willow Elementary. After 5 minuets we arrived at the gates. Paul parked on the side of the road and I got out getting Mackenzie out too. "Do you want me to go with you?" He asked. "No it's fine. i'll be back in a bit." I said. He nodded and rolled back up the window. I walked with Mackenzie hand in hand till we got to a door that said Mrs. Riley ,Mackenzie's Teacher. We walked in to see the most glorified 1st grade classroom you could ever see. There were colorful posters and dangling birds from the ceiling. "haha look daddy it's you." Mackenzie said poking my hip. I looked to where she was pointing and saw that a One Direction poster was on the wall under the letter O. I chuckled and took picture to send to the boys. Mackenzie stood in front of it and had a thumbs up.

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