Chapter 49: Cancer takes the best people

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(Liams POV)

I Hate this. We had to catch up with our concerts before we got to behind. Its not the same without Lou. I mean we are used to him being in the hospital while we are at a concert but this is different we have no clue where he is at. 

We are hoping to get the call about Louis phone today but right now we are on stage. It has been another week since Dr. Ryan called and said there was a trial ready for Louis. I know he can't be good. Dr. Ryan said Louis condition is going to be very bad once he gets back....If he gets back. 

We were on What Makes You Beautiful going through all our points like it was engraved in our heads. I wasn't even thinking about what I was doing all I could think about was Kenz and Lou. I missed them more than anything and all I want is for them to be here. I want to see Kenz dancing on the side beside Lux. I want to see Louis jumping and dancing around this stage with all of us. I don't ever want Louis to leave. I want this cancer to freaking die already. 

We went backstage to do our quick change and you could tell the rest of the guys weren't the same either. Their faces killed me. Right after I slid on my shirt Ally and Paul ran in the room. 

"THEY FOUND THEIR LOCATION!!!! WE ARE GOING THERE NOW!!!!!!!!" Paul yelled with a smile on his face. "I am going with you!!!" I said going out of the curtain. "No! It's to dangerous for you we don't know who this person is. You are going to stay here and finish this concert then you guys will meet us at the hospital." He said. i sighed but nodded. "Fine. Please keep us updated." I got pulled to the stage by some stage hand and by the time I knew It I was back in front of 80K people. 


(Louis POV)

"Daddy please eat just a little bit of it." Mackenzie said to me holding a piece of toast in front of me. I just shook my head. It was hers and I needed to make sure she stayed healthy. Plus I have absolutely no appetite. I can feel the cancer spreading all across my body. I can barely move an inch without being in pain. I don't talk anymore from the pain in my jaw and throat. This all really started a couple of days ago. At least I think days. For all I know it could of been weeks. I tend to pass out a lot to recover from the pain. 

"Ballet. I'm gonna add that to the list too daddy. I am going to be a ballerina when we get out of here and you are going to watch me dance across that stage." Kenz said. I managed to give her a small smile.

 The day her "dad" almost froze her to death I told her to make me a list of all her dreams she wants to accomplish when she gets out of here. The list has been going on for these last couple of days. There was everything from finishing her chapter book to learning how to do a cartwheel. It has kept her mind off things. I could tell she realizes I am not going to be around much longer but she is trying to make me happy and for that I am so grateful. I don't know if I'll wake up tomorrow or I'll live another 5 years but I know my last memory will be with my happy healthy little girl and thats all that matters. 



Mackenzie and I both heard the yelling coming from upstairs. She snapped her head towards the door. I could recognize that voice from anywhere. It was Paul. 

I Heard a bunch on punching and fighting, which made me scared for his safety. Then the door slammed open and Paul came running down the stairs. "Uncle Paul!!!" Mackenzie yelled running and jumping into him. He was crying from happiness. Until he looked at me. I was still chained to the wall like I have been for so many days. "Hold on Lou I will be right back." He ran upstairs then ran back down a couple of minuets later. He came and squatted by me fiddling the key in the lock. My face was emotionless and Paul understood how unwell I was. I have never not went by Paul without a smile but right now I can't do anything but try to keep my breaths steady and stay alive.

"hang in there Louis we are going to the hospital soon the ambulance is outside." He said still messing with the locks. Finally I felt the grip around my wrist loosen but as soon as it was released I collapsed. The bruises on my wrist proved that I had been relying on the cuffs to hold me up. Paul lifted me up carried me up the stairs. 

"Come on Mackenzie we have to go now!" He said letting Kenz go up first. He ran outside and set me on a stretcher where they immediately set an oxygen mask on me. I took a huge gasp of it finally able to get a good amount of oxygen. It felt so good to be able to breath but my chest was still screaming. "We need to get him in stat. We are loosing him!" I heard some man yell. Everything was becoming one big blur. I tried but after a while it just became to hard. I closed my eyes and let darkness take over me. 


(Liams POV) 

Finally the concert is over. I told the guys they found Louis and they practically sprinted off the stage and into the van. I followed them and the driver sped off to the nearest hospital. 

When we got to the hospital Paul and Ally were waiting with Mackenzie in the waiting room. "Uncles!!!!!" She yelled running us to us. We all gave her one big group hug. "We missed you so much bug." I said squeezing her tight. I stood up and looked at Paul who gave us all a sad smile. 

"He is stable. They needed to put him on a ventilator for a few days but after that he is on the first flint back to London." Paul said. "We." Niall stated and I nodded. "What do you mean?" He asked. "We are not leaving him to go on his own. We are going to go and he is going to watch Zayn get married and he is not going to be left alone. We don't know how much time he has left but we need to make it count." I said. "I'll let Nick know. Ally knows where Lou is." He said before getting on the phone.

I set Kenz on my hip and we all made our way to the elevator. When we got to the 4th floor we all walked out and Ally led us to room 432. I wasn't ready for what I was about to see. We walked in and I was right. What I saw was horrific. Louis looked the skinniest and palest he has ever been. Those cheekbones were more defined than ever. I walked over to him still holding Kenz. 

"He never got fed. I tried to offer him my food but he never took it. He wasn't doing very good. He didn't talk or move the last couple of days he just sat there staring at the wall." she said as I sat her on the edge of the bed. 

I can't believe what this person put Lou through. They made him 10x worse. I walked over to the top of his bed where his head was. I smiled as I ran my fingers through his hair. It had grown so fast it was practically long enough to quiff now. I ran my fingers down the side of his face till I slid them into the tube coming out of his mouth. 

The other guys were on the opposite side taking in Louis grateful that he was just actually here. 

"Louis you got on a trial. They found something to help you. You still have a chance so please don't give up." Niall said whipping a tear from his cheek with one hand and rubbing the bruises on Louis wrist with the other. I grabbed Louis other hand.

 "We are here for you Lou. We aren't going to let you go alone. We are going to go to London with you Lou. We will be there for you everyday of that trial and you will beat this. All of it." I said. 

We all saw the smallest of smiles grow on his face. 

Why does this always have to always happen to the best of people.

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