Chapter 63: Back to the hospital

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(2 weeks later)

We are currently all headed back to London. We did our last concert last night and are heading back home. It just so happened that i got the call yesterday that they found a donor for my bone marrow transplant. After all the guys and my family weren't matches for me I thought I had given up hope on finding the perfect match until I got that call. They needed to keep the person anonymous but whoever it is is saving my life. After I am 100% donor cells I will be Cancer Free. 

We got back to London and got off the plane to go straight to the car to go to the flat. Right now we still live in the flat with the guys but we will be moving into our new house in the next few weeks. We found one just a couple of streets down. It's still in our same gated community, we just needed a place of our own to start our new family. 

We told the guys and my family about the baby. Ally is going to get her checkup when I go to get my transplant. We have no idea how it's progress is doing but we are just hoping for the best. 

"Kenz we are home. Lets go inside then we can go back to sleep." I said. It's 2 in the morning. She lifted her arms up and I felt bad. "I'm sorry Kenz I can't carry you. can you please walk." I said trying to pick her up as best as possible. These pills just keep on making me weaker and weaker. I still go to Mark to try to grow my muscle but i'm not able to do much. I'm just to sick. 

Kenz woke up enough to get out of the car and sleepily trudge into the flat dragging her yellow blanket behind her. Ally followed behind her carrying a few bags we had packed. I grabbed the rest of our suitcases and went inside the flat. When I past by Kenzie's room I saw her asleep laying across her bed shoes and lights still on. I left the suitcases in the hall and went in her room. It took all of my energy but I lifted her up and moved her under her covers. I took off her shoes and tucked her in. Before leaving I kissed the top of her head and turned off the lights. 

When I walked back to my room I saw Ally setting up her Oxygen tank and getting ready for bed. I put on some warm up pants and took off my shirt and climbed in bed next to her. 

"Are you ready to go back to the hospital tomorrow for pre op?" Al asked laying on my chest. "I'm ready to be cured but I just wish that It can be put off for a while so we can move and focus on our baby." I said running my fingers through her hair. "The faster you get this done the better it will be for you though. You will be healthy when we have the baby and are moved into the new house then we can be a normal family." She said. I nodded. 

"Well I guess we better get some sleep. We've got a long couple of weeks ahead of us." I said. I wrapped my arms around Al and fell asleep. 


The next day we all woke up at almost noon. It would of been later honestly  but we had to get to the hospital. Thats the thing with this transplant, when you get a match it is crucial to get the surgery has fast has possible to insure that it will work. So here I am packing my suitcase again. I have to stay there about a week because I can't leave until I am 100% donor cells. 

When I finished packing my bag I went down and met Ally who was already ready to go. Liam was also ready. It was just going to be us three for now. Everybody else will meet us there before I go in for my surgery tonight. Liam was coming to go to Ally's appointment with her since  I would be doing test all morning. 

"are you ready? Do you want something to eat before we go?" Al asked. I shook my head. "No they will probably force something down my throat or tube when we get there anyway." I said. "I hope they do. You haven't eaten in days Lou you look like a stick." Liam said. "Haha" I said sarcastically. We all went out to the car and went to the hospital. 


I'm back in my same room I was in during the trial. Nobody was using it so they put me back in it. And guess who was right abut the stuffing food in my system. They practically connected my Gtube right after they saw me. I may have allowed myself to get a little underweight. 

I'm so nervous right now and I don't know if I can sit still in bed any longer. I really want to know how the baby is. I got up from the bed and grabbed the pole sliding it beside me. I walked out of the room trying to find the ultra sound room where Al and Liam where at right now. I looked in every room and found nothing. I looked in this specific room and found a older looking teen looking pretty nervous. She was sitting in a bed staring at the wall. She didn't look sick at all I don't know why she is so nervous. I knocked on the door and she snapped her head in my direction. When she saw me her mouth fell. "May I come in?" I asked. She nodded. 

I went in and sat next to her. "Whats your name? I noticed you looked a little down. Whats the matter?" I asked. "My names Lillian It's nothing really. Nothing like you are going through. It's just that right when I turned 18 last week I signed up to be a donor and they called me a couple of days ago to say I was a match for someone. I know I signed up for this but I didn't think it would actually happen." She said. "What are you a donor of?" I asked. "Blood marrow. My best friend has cancer and at first I got checked for her but then I let them put me on the list. I can't even meet who it's for." She said. I smiled. 

"I think you just did." I said. Her face was pure shock. "NO way! I didn't even know you needed a transplant! I thought you were just here getting chemo again!" She said. "Lillian you are saving my life. This is he last thing I needed to cure me and if they didn't find someone soon I was going to die. They told me I couldn't meet you but now that I'm here I am going to take this time to personally say Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I don't know how I can thank you enough." I said holding her hand. "Your welcome Louis. I am glad I did it now thanks for stopping to talk to me." She said smiling. 

"Well I'm really sorry but I have to go find Al. I hope I can see you again. I want you to meet the rest of the guys and Allison before we go in." I said. She smiled and nodded. "I'll be looking forward to it." She said. 

 I grabbed my pole again and went out the door to look for Allison again. I remembered after 10 minuets that I was on the wrong floor.  I went to the elevator and went to the 8th floor and found the room that said ultra sound over it. I opened it and wished I wouldn't have. The words I heard from the doctor made my heart hurt more than it ever has before. I have never this amount of emotional pain in my life. 

"I'm sorry Mrs. Tomlinson I'm afraid you lost him."

So what do y'all think?

This story is almost over but sequel will be started right after.

Thank you for reading you mean so much to me :)

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