Chapter 11: Side effects and let downs

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I woke up to hear the guys over near Mackenzie's bed. I looked over to see that they were all surrounding her helping her color. I sat up and they noticed I was awake. 

"Hey Lou how are you feeling" Niall said coming over to me. "I'm alright" I turned sitting across the bed facing everybody but then I noticed it and Niall did too. Chunks of my hair were left on my pillow. I mean I had been loosing strands of hair all week but this was an actual chunk like if I just got a part of my hair chopped off. I quickly threw my hands to the back of my head to feel a little smooth bald spot. I was in shook. I knew this would happen sooner or later but I never imagined the time would come. I mean my hair had stuck through two weeks already I guess I thought it would just magically just stay. 

Niall came back after throwing my hair in the trash bin. "What do you want to do Lou? You know it will just all come out" he said. All the other guys and Mackenzie now knew what was going on and were looking at me for an answer. 

"I shaved mine daddy I promise it doesn't hurt." Mackenzie said coming over to my bed. I laughed a little. "Thank you for the reassurance. Would you like to help?" I asked leaning down to her. She smiled and nodded. I looked at Harry and he went out to go see if they had an electric and regular razor. 

When Harry got back we all went into the small bathroom and I sat in the chair. I put a towel around my shoulders and heard the machine turn on. Liam picked up Mackenzie who was holding the electric razor. "Okay Kenz just slid it against your daddy's head dont press to hard okay." I knew Harry was helping her so I felt a little bit better that she wouldn't cut her own hand. 

I felt the razor touch my head and then the first bits of my hair went flying to the floor. After a short while they finished my head and now it was all really short stubble like 2012 Liam the only difference was that I had smooth bald spots on the back of my head. Liam put Mackenzie down and then put shaving cream on my head. He then slid the razor across bit by bit.

"It's not that bad....right?" I asked looking into the mirror at the finished product. I was bald not a hair left on my head. "It could be worse." Niall said which was completely true. At least I am conscious and alive. 

"Do you like it daddy? Now we are twins. Do you want to borrow my headband?" Mackenzie said. I picked her up and put her on my hip going back out to  my bed. " I love it. thank you so much but I think I am going to just stick to the beanies." I chuckled. I went in my carry on bag with my clothes and pulled out a grey beanie and put it on my head. I went back to my bed where Mackenzie was already laying down. 

"So how long had you all been here?" I asked. "About an hour. It's 5. We would of been here sooner but the line was just so long." Zayn said. "No it's fine I obviously was asleep for a while. So have you been up to little one?" I asked Mackenzie. "I had to get a shot while you were asleep and It didn't even hurt a little bit so nurse Sarah gave me a new pack of pretty markers. I also colored an Arial, a repunzal, an Elsa and Cinderella." She said. "Wow you are becoming so brave. "Oh and I colered Merida" I chuckled. "Sounds like you had a productive day." I said tickling her side. she was laughing her head off. 

"I'm sorry guys we need to get some scans done before you all leave" Sarah said at the door. "Right now?" "Yes is now okay?" she asked. "I guess it's fine"  I got off he bed and helped Mackenzie down. "We will wait for you in here" Liam said. I nodded and followed Sarah out the door holding Mackenzie and I's Iv poles. We curled through the halls till we got in this one room.

Sarah handed us both these cups with thick red liquid. "It doesn't taste very good but you need to drink all of it to get the best results on the scans." She said prepping the machine. Mackenzie and I both took a tiny sip only for hers to end up on the floor. "This is nasty" She said scrunching her face. I couldn't agree more but I knew it had to go down.

"How about this, we both chug it down really fast and the first one done gets to pick the next movie." I said. "deal, when I win we are going to go back and watch cinderella again." She smirked. "Okay 1...2...Hey" Mackenzie was already gulping down her drink before I got to 3. I quickly did the same but her cheater skills caused her to win. "haha cinderella here we come!" Mackenzie started walking out the door but I grabbed her and swung her back over and set her on my hip. "Did you forget the whole reason we are here silly" I laughed. 

"Okay are either of you wearing metal?" Sarah asked. I looked at mackenzie and took off her headband. I was just wearing sweats and a pullover so I was fine. "Who is going first?" She asked. Mackenzie shook her head. "I'll go" I said setting her down. 

She led me to the bed and I laid where she told me too. "Okay I need you to take your pullover off it's a little to big." She said. I got back up and took it off. I was a little self conscious about how much my ribs poked out. I hadn't been eating as much has usual because it is just hard.

                 "Okay lay your hands above your head and stay completely still." She walked out of the room and went behind the glass wall with Mackenzie. All of a sudden the table Started moving and went inside the donut machine that was making a bunch of noise.

"Just 2 more minuets"  Sarah said through the mic after a little while. "How did you do that? Can I talk to him too? Daddy? Daddy can you hear me??? Daddy!!!!! look i'm like you! TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAAAARRRRRR! HOW I WONDER WHAT YOU AREEEEE!!!!" Mackenzie blared through the mic before Sarah took it away. I was laughing so hard it was difficult to stay still. Before I knew it the 2 minuets were up and I was moving out of the machine. I got up and put my pullover back on. "Thank you Mackenzie for the song" I chuckled going back behind the wall. "Your welcome" she grinned. "are you ready?" I asked her. She nodded. 

Mackenzie did better than I thought she would during the scan. Right now we were turning corners and heading back to our room. When we got in the guys all looked a little down. "Umm guys whats wrong?" I said helping Mackenzie up on my bed then getting on the opposite side. "Umm well while you were gone Dr. Sefron came in... and well he was talking about your treatment schedule." harry said. "Yeah I thought we already planned out the hospitals I would be going to while on tour." I said. "Everything worked out except the first date of the tour. It fell on your second day  on your next treatment." Liam said. Everybody was silent for a while. 

"We can't reschedule our treatment?" I asked. "I'm afraid they can't do that. It needs to be on the same day to work out with the rest of the tour." Liam said. Silence again. 

"You know what we will just not do the first show. I'm sure we could reschedule it" Niall said. "NO! I won't let you all do that. Plus you know that isn't possible this has been scheduled for a year. I will just sit out the first one. I'll be fine." I reassured them. "It wont be the same without you" Zayn said. "It is just for one night. One of you can sing my parts or they can play it on recording." I said.  "Are you sure Louis?" Harry asked. "Positive. I don't want to disappoint anybody." 

After we talked about tour and the schedule the guys left when visiting hours were over. "Can we watch cinderella now???" Mackenzie asked. "I guess since you have been patiently waiting and won "fair and square"" I said putting parenthesis over the end. She chuckled. I went and put the movie in the dvd player and went back to the bed. She leaned her head on my chest and then I pressed play. 

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