Chapter 2: Telling the World

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Chapter 2

 (louis POV)

Doctor Sefron made me stay overnight so they can do an operation to give me a port this morning. It was a small operation and I was being discharged right after and would be home by tonight. It was just something I had to do. “Louis we are going to take you back are you ready?” Dr. Sefron said. “as ready as i’ll ever be” I sighed. I wish the guys could of been here but visiting hours are from 10 to 8 and Doctor Sefron wanted to start the operation early.

Some nurses were pushing me to the operation area and started hooking me up to IV’s and giving me anesthesia. “Okay Mr. Tomlinson count backwards from 100.” Some old nurse said. okay 100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 9 my eyes felt so heavy I just fell asleep. 

I woke up and the guys were all around me. “Hey Lou how do you feel?” Liam asked me. I sat up and noticed my surroundings. I had an IV in my arm still and a patch taped to my chest covering where they did the operation. “Im fine i guess. What time is it?” I asked. “It’s 2 O’Clock” Zayn said checking his phone. “When can i go home?” “Doctor Sefron said when you woke up so let me go find him.” Niall said leaving the room. 

A couple of minuets later Niall came back in with Dr.Sefron. “Okay Louis let me just take that IV out then I will have you on your way.” he came over to me and gently pulled out the needle. “You need to come back Next Wednesday to start chemo. We just need to give your stitched time to evaporate.” He said helping me out of the bed. “thank you I guess I’ll See you next week.” I said. 

I went to go change and came out of the bathroom in a t-shirt type tank top and shorts. Liam came in the room just has I walked out. “where is everybody?” I asked grabbing my stuff. “There are fans and paps out front and they went to distract them while we go out the back. The paps are everywhere so you need to put this on.” he handed me a sweat shirt. “Liam it is July please tell me why I need to put on a jacket.” I said. “The paps are everywhere all around the hospital” he said pointing to the patch on my chest. I sighed and threw the jacket on.

We went out of the elevator and through the back doors and Liam was right. Tons of flashes flashed so I put my sunglasses on and rushed into the van behind Liam. The van moved up to the front of the hospital and the rest of the boys jumped in. The drive home was about 10 minuets away. The guys and I have shared a huge house out in London ever since we left X-Factor.

“guys we need to tell the fans after I call my mum. We cant hide this from them” I said has we walked through the door. “yeah i agree” Harry said. “what should we do? I don’t want to just send out a tweet.” i said. “We can do a twit cam later if you want. Simon called me while you were in surgery so he knows already.” Liam said. “Let me just go call my parents.” I really wasn't looking forward to this. My mum is not allowed to travel far since she is about to have twins and I don't want to worry her but I know i have to tell her.

I dialed my mums number in my phone and after a couple of rings she picked up. 

J:Hey Louis how are you? We were all worried when the girls showed me the video from the concert last night.

L: I’m sorry I just got my phone back because i was in the hospital. 

J: What? What did they say?

L: Um well they told me i have a form of stomach cancer called Adenocarcinoma. It is stage 3 so he said it is very curable I just need to go through treatments. 

She fell silent for a couple of minuets

J: Louis I want to go over there so bad and be there with you but they wont let me leave. I just want to be there to help you.
L: Mum you don't have to worry about me I don't want you to worry about me. The guys are going to help me and I will be fine. 

I could tell she was trying to hide her cries. 

J: okay…I’m sorry Lou ill go with you as soon as i am able to. 

L:Okay just be careful I don't want you to be stressed. I love you 

J: I love you Lou I will tell the others

L: okay bye mum

I hung up the phone and went downstairs. “ready?”Niall asked. I just nodded my head and sat by them on the couch. He pressed the red button and the light to show the camera was on turned on. 

“Hello everybody!” i smiled into the camera. We were looking at the comments and trying to answer some questions but all they were asking about was me and why I was in the hospital. “okay well i guess we are going to get straight into it. Yesterday as you all know Louis over here was not feeling very well at the concert.” Harry said pointing to me. I just gave the camera a wave. “do you want to tell them.” Zayn asked. I nodded. “Well yesterday i found out i have a very common type of stomach cancer called Adenocarcinoma. Big word I know. It is stage 3 and is curable with treatments. I wont be at my strongest for a couple of months but i am going to do everything i can to be as good and new for the tour.” i smiled. The comments were going insane it started to make our twitter  screen twitch in and out of darkness. Everything was turning fuzzy then the screen went black. I looked at the guys who were all staring at the screen shocked. “I think you just broke the internet.” Liam looked at me laughing. 

If you like the story please vote and if you don’t just lie… HAHA just kidding but i would really appreciate it if you voted or commented on it showing me what you think because this is my first story and I have no clue how i am doing. Thanks :) 

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