Chapter 6: Got to do whats right

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"You guys are insane you think I can take care of a child. I can barley take care of myself right now." I said. "Louis she bonded with you it would not be the same if one of us did it. Plus we will help you." Liam said. "This is not some puppy we are getting from a pet shop she is an actual human being that is sick. I just wont be able to do this." I said as we pulled into the driveway. "I'm sorry guys I can't help here." I said. "just promise us you will think about it. please. She needs us. She needs you." Harry said helping me out of the car. I nodded.

We walked inside and I went to the kitchen and sat on the bar stool waiting for Liam to bring in my pills. He set the bag down in front of me and went to get me a glass of water. After I took my pills I was about to get up to go to sleep but Liam stopped me setting me back on the chair. "Dr. Sefron said that you need to eat especially with this medicine. You haven't eaten since you went in there and I know you weren't eating as much before that wither." Liam said. I sighed. I knew the food would just end up in the toilette but I didn't want to cause any trouble. 

I sat there and watched Liam make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. When he finished he put it on a plate in front of me and started cutting vegetables for the rest of the guys meal. I took a bit of the sandwich and I already felt my stomach turning. I just tried to put it in the back of my mind because I wanted to make Liam happy. 

"Does anybody in this house actually eat those." I asked Liam who was now on to cutting the carrots. "No I just feel like its something that needs to be on the plate." He chuckled. 

It's been about 20 minuets later of me taking small bits off the sandwich and watching Liam cook and I could not eat anymore. I had already consumed about half of the sandwich which is more that I had eaten in one sitting in the last week. "Liam if I take one more bite I will puke right here." I moaned holding my stomach. "Okay I go get some rest" he said taking my plate from the counter. I slowly made my way upstairs and into my room and laid down on my bed. 

My mind was going crazy. I couldn't get Mackenzie out of my head. The look she gave me when I was leaving killed me inside. It was like she knew she would die before I ever saw her again. I'm not ready for this though. I can't take care of a child when I myself can barely eat half of a sandwich. I don't know what to do. I could save Mackenzie's life but would I put my own life in jeopardy? All these thoughts were making my stomach churn worse than before. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom in my room ignoring the dizzy feeling. I went and threw up the half of the sandwich into the tub because it was the first thing I made it to. Then I realized Mackenzie is going through the same thing right now except she is in a foster home full of probably 30 other girls under the care of one adult. There is no way Sally is able to be by her side 24/7 no matter how hard she would try. 

I quickly rinsed the tub and brushed my teeth and made my way downstairs where all the boys were all the boys sat around the table eating the lunch Liam made.  I went and sat in my normal seat beside Zayn. 

"I know what I need to do." 

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