Chapter 48: Good news at bad times

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(Liams POV)

We are all sitting around my phone in the hotel room waiting for a call. We hired a private investigator and he is trying to track Louis phone. It has been 3 days since Louis and Mackenzie went missing and I am getting really worried. He was not doing so well before he left and I knew with how fast he was running that just made it way worse. After a couple of minuets of all of us staring at the phone in silence it rang. I quickly answered it and put it on speaker not even looking at the number. 

"Hello" I said. "Liam? This is Dr. Ryan. I tried to call Louis but I couldn't get ahold of him." He said. "Umm yeah he is um...busy" I said. Nobody knew He was missing. Everybody just thought he was sick since management sent out a tweet from his twitter.

"Oh okay well I have great news. We found a trial. He needs to go to London immediately to meet with his own Oncologist and get started." He said. I looked up and everybody was staring at the phone in shock. I mean how are we suppose to feel. Are we suppose to be happy that he got accepted for a trial? He isn't even here. I had to tell him we had no choice. 

"Okay I lied Louis did not answer because he went missing the other day with Mackenzie. Somebody just swiped her up and he ran after them." I said. "What! You let him run after them! I said absolutely no physical activity! Do you have any idea where they are at? He can't be in good shape right now! He needs to get to the hospital now!" He said panicked through the phone. "We are trying to find them. We promise to get him to a hospital and call you when we find him." I said. "Okay. I hope he is okay. I'll keep y'all in my prayers." He said before hanging up.

We need to find him. And fast. 

(Louis POV)

I have been in the same position for what felt like days. I haven't been moved since that day the guy made Mackenzie hate me. Mackenzie still hasn't said a word to me and I have been to weak to try to get the tape off to talk to her.

The man comes in here every couple of hours to feed Kenz or take her to the bathroom but even though she isn't cuffed anymore she still sits as far away from me as she can and faces the wall.

We sit here in silence for hours on end with only the sounds on my uneven breathing. I can feel the end coming near. I try so hard to keep my breath steady but its hard when I can only breath out of my nose. 

"Dadd...I mean Louis, I don't care anymore if what my real daddy said was true. I just want you to know that when we get out of here I am going back with Aunt Sally." I heard Mackenzie say still facing away from me. A tear slid down my face. I was loosing my baby girl over a lie. 

"Nd...adnd" I couldn't make out any words. I tried to reach for the tape but my hands were to far and my body hurt so much. "I don't want to hear what you have to say." She said coldly. 

"Kdja asdkjf... asdfa...asd" I couldn't breath. I was freaking out rapidly letting in and out short breaths from my nose. The pain in my chest was almost to much to bear. Mackenzie quickly snapped her head my direction and ran over to me. She knew I needed that tape of my mouth. She quickly ripped it off and I took a huge gasp of air.

My chest started to hurt less and after a while my breathing was back to "normal". I looked at Kenz. 

" can't....believe what he...said...It's not...true." I said tears still coming down my cheek. "You don't have to lie! It was just all one big stunt for the camera people!" She yelled.  

"Mackenzie Grace....Tominson....I love you....I have always....loved you....and I will....always love you....You are....the most important....thing I have.....Please...believe me."  I said trying to catch my breath again after saying that long sentence.

"MACKENZIE I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN THAT CORNER AND SHUT THAT STUPID TRAP OF YOURS" The guys yelled slamming the door open. "I...I'm sorry." She said scooting back towards the corner. "THATS IT! I TAKE CARE OF YOU AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME! YOU ARE GOING IN THE ICE ROOM!" He yelled. "NOOO!" Kenz cried. He yanked her up by her little arm and dragged her out of the room before I could protest.

I tried to fight against the chains again but it just ended up draining the little energy I had. I tried so hard to stay awake but my body protested. I blacked out soon after they left. 


 I woke up to hearing the door open. The man brought in Mackenzie and dropped her onto the floor. He walked out again making a phone call. I looked over to Kenz to see her shivering. Her lips were blue and her skin was pale. If it wasn't for her eyes being open and her teeth silently chattering I would of sworn she was dead. 

"Kenz...Please come here" I said. She looked up and stood up. She ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me. They were so cold. She was snuggling up to me trying to get all the warmth she could.

"Put them...under my stomach is...warmer.." I said. She did has told and I felt coolness against my warm skin. After a while she started shaking less and she returned back to her normal color. 

"I'm sorry daddy I should of listened to you. I don't want to go back to Aunt Sally's  I want to stay with you and my uncles and Ally. I'm sorry." She said with tears rolling down her cheeks and on my bare skin.

 "Shhh...It's okay...everything is be okay." 

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