2. Camryn

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"What about these?"

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"What about these?"

"I think they looks great!" I said as enthusiastically as I could.

They did look great.

"You've said that about all of them," Gemma frowned looking in the mirror.

"I think they all looks great."

"What's are your mind?" She sat down next to me and gave me her full attention.

"Moira says I need to let more people in. So I borrowed milk from my neighbor and I need to return his glass but I'm anxious."

"Well, how long has it been?"

"Four days."

"Well, just knock on his door and give him the glass back. It's just a glass, I'm sure he's fine." She smiled reassuringly and got up looking in the mirror again.

"I like the second pair."

"Me too."

She ended up getting three pairs of trousers and then we went to her place for dinner. She cooked Chicken and vegetables with potatoes and we had a glass of wine.

She told me about Michael, her boyfriend and how she was going to ask him to move in. They were deeply in love and anytime I was around them I found myself jealous. Not in a bad way, I just sometimes like how they are together and how she has someone she can trust and be with and not worry. Michael and Gemma know everything about each other. The thought kind of terrifies me but I also admire it.

He practically lives here anyway, he has half the closet, a drawer, and part of the bathroom filled with his things. It's sweet.

I haven't been in a relationship since I left home. I don't even know how to be in one. I'm used to only thinking about myself so the thought of that changed frightens me. I can barely remember to take my meds, much less care for another person.

Friends are easier than a relationship, it's why I have Gemma.

I parted ways around 8 PM and made my way home. The train ride was short and the walk from the station was even shorter. When I made it in my house I grabbed Harry's cup and walked to his door.

Hey, I have your cup, I'm sorry it took me to long to give it back. Um, I washed it.

No that's so stupid.

"Camryn," Harry said surprised again when he opened his door.

We really have stop to meeting like this.

"Sorry, I was just about to knock, Um, here's your cup. I washed it."

"Oh," he smiled grabbing it from my hand and again I ignored the heat I felt when his fingers touched mine. "I was beginning to think you'd stole it, it's my favorite cup," he joked letting his dimple show.

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