16. Harry

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I can't believe I got a fucking boner from making out with her

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I can't believe I got a fucking boner from making out with her. Don't get me wrong, I could get one from looking at her but we just decided we were going to... date? The last thing I need is for her to think I'm after one thing.

I highly doubt she thinks that but still.

When we fell asleep it was nice. She rested her head on my chest and I liked holding her. I guess I never really got to do this in the past because my relationships were mainly physically and not emotional. But there was something nice about just holding someone and it not being sexual.

We woke up around 4 and were both hungry.

"Chinese or Pizza?" I asked holding up two menus as she sat on my couch.

"Hmmm, is this a test?" She teased.

I loved that she was letting her personality show more.

"Obviously, this is very important business, it may be a defining moment in if this continues," I said shrugging between us.

"Okay, then. Lot's of pressure. I feel like I have to go with my gut though," She said pretending to be torn between the two options. "Chinese."

"Final answer?"

"Final answer."

I paused for dramatic affect and nodded slowly. "You are absolutely right, Cammy, Chinese is the correct answer."

"Yes!" She broke out in a smile and put one fist in the air in triumph. "Also, you called me Cammy," she beamed.

"Is that okay?"

"Yes, I like it a lot."

I smiled and scooted closer so she could look at the menu with me.

"I feel like egg rolls are a must," she said nodding.

"Oh, most definitely. Noodles or rice?"

"Noodles, of course. Sweet and sour chicken?"

"Is it too forward to ask you to be my girlfriend right now," I joked making her laugh.

Her laugh. She didn't do it enough and I wanted to change that because it was the most angelic sound I ever heard. I wanted to make her laugh, to make her happy.

"Hmm, I'm not very good with timelines so are you asking?"

She was serious. Holy shit. We were both very inexperienced with relationships, obviously. I was sure asking her to be my girlfriend only a few hours after asking if we could date was maybe too soon but why hold off the inevitable? I was sure I was going to ask her by the end of the week so I might as well do it now.

"It depends, what would your answer be?"

"Well, hypothetically," she paused looking at me.

"Of course," I agreed hiding my smile.

"Well hypothetically I haven't had a boyfriend in over three years and probably asking me to be your girlfriend after just a few hours is a little... soon? Some may say, hypothetically," she smiled. "But, like I said, I haven't been in a relationship in a while so I think I'd say yes."

"Well then, Camryn, would you be my girlfriend?"

This was definitely soon but it somehow felt right.

"Hypothetically?" She asked with her eyebrows drawn together.

"No, darling. Would you actually like to be my girlfriend, y'know, go steady with me?" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

There was her laugh again.

"Well, I suppose my real answer would have to be yes," She said shrugging as if it was a no brainer.

I'm glad we're on the same page.

"Well then, girlfriend, anything else you'd like to order from the menu?"

She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder and looked at the paper I held.

"As long as I get egg rolls, noodles, and sweet and sour chicken, I'm happy."


I placed our order and we spent our time waiting stealing a few kisses and just smiling at each other. If anyone could actually see they'd probably think we were crazy. And I'm almost positive we are crazy.

I was a little shocked that today's first date ended in me having a girlfriend. For as closed off as Cammy is she also knows what she wants.

Which does help ease some anxiety. I really care for her and I feel kind of... special?

I guess, just knowing from Gemma and what I know about Cammy, she isn't an outgoing person when it comes to discussing feelings and emotions which I guess makes me feel special that she saw something in me and is okay with me in her life.

Surely she will open up more as time passes and I'll be here to support her through it.

Gemma will freak out when I tell her. David, will freak out. He'll probably scold me for not playing it cool and waiting a few days. But, this was our timeline. Camryn and I were meant to have this story right now.

I was determined to do everything in my power to let her know I was going to be here for her, in anyway she needs and wants.

I have a deep urge to want to protect her and look after her, I want to make sure she knows that someone cares for her deeply because besides Gemma, I'm not sure who else she has.

Camryn should have a whole slew people. She is so kind and special, you'd think more people would be in her life but she chooses to live with few friends.

I don't know how I wormed my way into her life but I wasn't going to let her go anytime soon.

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