14. Camryn

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Arriving at Gemma's I was extremely nervous

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Arriving at Gemma's I was extremely nervous. I bought two bottles of wine since there was 5 of us. I didn't like meeting new people and I almost wished Harry was with me. Which didn't make sense to me.

This is ridiculous. I know Gemma and Michael, I'm just meeting two new people. It's fine.

"Cammy! I'm so glad you made it, come in. My brother isn't here yet."

I gave her and Michael a quick hug and asked Michael how it's been living with Gemma.

"Really good, actually, not much has changed. It's kind of just nice not saying goodbye at the end of the day, I get to fall asleep and wake up next to her, it's great." I smiled at how sweet his words were but I didn't get a chance to answer as I looked to the door to see Gemma opening it to two men.

Harry and David. What?

"Camryn?" Harry asked obviously shocked.

"Um, hi, what are you?" I trailed off feeling a little uneasy.

"Gemma is my sister."

"Sister?" I asked looking to Gemma who just smiled and nodded.

"How do you two know each other?" She asked looking between us.

"We're neighbors."

Gemma's eyes widened as she piece who I was confiding in her about and she smiled widely.

"You don't say? I for one cannot believe I didn't know you lived there, Harry. You," Gemma said coming closer and spoke very lightly so only I would hear, "have a lot of explaining to do."

"Okay, I'm sorry this is a lot for me," I said shaking my head. "Gemma, Harry is your brother?"


"Right, well, I don't know what to say, I need some air."

I left abruptly out the back door and I didn't know why this was affecting me so much. It felt like 2 worlds were merging and I wasn't ready for that. In my mind Harry was still my neighbor. But, he was actually my best friends sister.

Which meant Gemma knew I was developing feelings for her brother. This is just a lot to process right now and I want to go home.

"Hey," I heard her voice and I just broke down. "Okay, I know this is a lot for you but I think it's great, personally. I know Harry so I can personally vouch for him, that he is such a good guy and would literally take the best care of you. I promise that, he would really be there for you. But, I know this is still a lot so if you want to leave that's okay.  I would love it, we all would love it if you stayed."

I stayed quiet and closed my eyes trying to think.

"Can I say one thing?" She bit her lip and paused before I looked at her to continue. "Harry is a really really good guy and I know he likes you so much, he actually doesn't stop talking about you, I just never knew it was you! He's absolutely crazy about you and I can vouch that he would absolutely take the best care of you, there's nothing with him you have to worry about. David is a lot like you, just more out spoken and opens up easily but only trusts few people. He trusts Harry because Harry took the time to care for David and understand how his brain works. I'm just saying, all of those worries you have are okay to have, but Harry would love to be a partner through it all with you. He wouldn't try to fix you because you aren't broken, sometimes people just need a little help and someone who will be there while we figure it out, Harry is that person, he can be for you."

I nodded and smiled. They were exactly alike.

"I just need a few moments, then I'll be back."

She nodded and left me. I took a seat on the steps and sighed. Well, this was fun.

I didn't know what to do. Gemma's words gave me a lot of confidence in wanting to have a talk with Harry about us. I always felt like Harry could be that person for me. The one who I could be me with.

"Mind if I sit?"


I tried to calm my rapid heartbeat at his close proximity.

"I take it you didn't know I was Gemma's brother?"

"Definitely not."


"Not at all," I said finally looking at him. "Shocked, yes," I said looking back into the garden.

We sat there in silence for a while and I didn't know what to say and I had a feeling he had a lot to say just not how to say it.

"I," he paused taking a deep breath. "Would you like to join me for breakfast in the morning? We can go to Barkers and I'll get you tea and one of those egg sandwiches I know you love."

"How did you-?"

"Because, I may not know a lot but I know enough about you, Camryn. So, breakfast?"

"Yes, I'd love to."

"Perfect, it's a date," he smiled making my cheeks blush.

So many things I wanted to say but all that came out was, "okay."

He stood up and extended a hand to me making me smile and take his hand. I ignored the warm tingly feelings and looked at our hands one last time before we disconnected to head back inside.

"I think you look beautiful, by the way, in your dress." Again my cheeks warmed and I bit my lip. "May I?" He asked lifting one hand and I nodded not really sure what he was doing. He used both thumbs to wipe under my eyes where I'm sure mascara had pooled there. "Still beautiful."

"Thank you."

We made our way inside where no one mentioned what happened, not even David. Our plates were served and Gemma poured the wine I brought.

It was actually an amazing evening. I laughed at Harry's cheesy jokes and his flirting. His foot found mine under the table and nudged me every so often almost to make sure I was okay.

I appreciated the gesture and his foot stayed on mine all night. I felt seen but not in an 'all eyes on me' way. In a subtle way where he was actually making sure I was okay. I felt taken care of and I hadn't felt that way since I was 6.

Harry and I stole glances at each other night and I tried to ignore Gemma's smirk the whole time as she watched us.

Eventually it was time to leave and Harry offered for me to ride with him. He had to drop off David but other than that we were going to the same place.

Of course I said yes and we left Gemma and Michael with hugs and kisses on the cheek.

David let me ride in the front despite me trying to tell him I really was okay in the back. To which he replied, "Harry's eyes will be more on you through the rear view mirror than the road and I actually want to live so no thanks. Besides I'm pretty sure he's gonna want to hold your hand or hand on the knee type middle school shit, trust me, I rather it be you than me." Harry and I both blushed but he made a point because Harry would surely have been looking at me and both of our hands casually found each other and our fingers just so happened to intertwine and get placed in my lap. I tried to stop the blush and smile by biting on my lip as his thumb moved across the back of my hand in soothing motions.

The car ride was silent besides soft music playing and David left after saying thank you to Harry. The ride back to ours was fairly short and when we walked to our building our hands found each other again and again I blushed.

It seems there was an unspoken barrier lifted tonight and I kind of liked it. We stopped in front of my door and I leaned against the wall with his hand still in mine.

"Breakfast at 9?" He asked making me look from our hands to him.

"9, sounds good."

He smiled and leaned in closer making my breath hitch, what was he doing? He placed a soft kiss on the very corner of my mouth, dangerously close to my lips making my cheeks heat and I bit my lip to stop my smile.

"Goodnight, Camryn."

"Goodnight, Harry."

okay, i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who adds this to their different libraries and votes and comments!! i love your feedback and reading your reactions!!

okay, thank you all
love youuuu

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