29. Harry

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I really like Daniel

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I really like Daniel. When we got up to grab appetizers and some drinks we had a little... chat. I wasn't mean but I did make sure he wouldn't be a fuck up in David's life.

Poor guy started crying and telling me he loves him. I definitely wasn't expecting that, but he meant it. The rest of the night went by really well and we got to see more of Daniel and how much he showed affection to David.

He had my approval, but I wouldn't tell him that yet.

Then, Cammy randomly kissed me. I definitely wasn't complaining and it was over as quick as it began and I didn't get a chance to question her before she opened up more and talked more the rest of the night.

Now, I had my hand on Cammy's thigh as we cruised on the M4. We left London around 10 and it was 12, we'd be passing through Bristol soon and in Cardiff in no time.

She fell asleep sometime around 40 minutes into the journey. I don't think she got much sleep last night which worried me. Plus, she was awake before me this morning which never happens.

I'd hope everything is okay and if something is bothering her she'd be comfortable telling me. She was a bit quiet at first last night at the pub but after Daniel and I came back to the table she seemed a lot more talkative and okay.

I think part of her was worried about me, she knew how nervous I was to meet Daniel. She kept squeezing my thigh through the night and kissing my shoulder, it was those little things she did to show me she was there, even when she didn't feel comfortable.

I think it comforted both of us.

I like driving, it gave me time to think and clear my head. The music wasn't very loud which meant my thoughts were louder and they were all about the girl next to me.

My pretty girl.

I wonder how long she's been living in those apartments? How long have we been next door neighbors and I didn't know it? Part of me wishes we met sooner but another part of me knows we wouldn't be where we are if we had met sooner.

I think we were meant to come into each other lives just when we did... And now look at us.

It's crazy how things in life happen. One day I'm just working, going to the pub, hanging out with David and Gemma... The next moment I'm running into a girl who captives me and makes me fall in love with her.

Yes, I love her. I was sure of it and I came to the realization the night we slept together. The sex was that good.

Joking... I knew I was in love with her that night because I knew she completely trusted me and I completely trusted her. Sex wasn't just something either of us took lightly, it was vulnerability and being completely exposed and trusting that they would still like what they saw without all the clothes. There something about being naked with someone, for me, that completely changes everything. I trusted that I could show her every part of me physically and she'd still want me.

It's crazy to me that she's been friends with Gemma and I had never met her. Not even in accidental passing.

Love is such a funny thing.

I love my mum and my dad. I love Gemma. I love David. They are all platonic loves. I love Camryn but there is nothing platonic about it. Obviously, it would be kind of unusual to not kiss or do anything with the person you are romantically involved with. Unless you both agreed on that.

Luckily, Camryn is quite fond of kissing. I quite like kissing her. It's like a euphoric, out-of-body experience that just get's better every time. Touching her feels like that. It feels like a new experience every time. When we touch my body gets warm and tingly, even if it isn't sexual. Like, right now, my hand on her thigh? It makes me feel connected with her--close with her, and she's right next to me.

I actually quite enjoy anytime we touch and it isn't sexual. Don't get me wrong, I love sex. I more-so love sex with Camryn but that's besides the point right now. Anytime we bathe or touch and even just kiss but it doesn't turn to more, I almost like those moments more.

Not that I am not completely attracted to Camryn, I've never been as attracted to anyone as I am with her. Trust me, I'm in love her.

Gosh, I love saying that.

But there is something so intimate and special about the moments we touch.  It's like these sweet, innocent moments that let me get to know her more.

Camryn is a very private person, I completely respect that. So when we touch it feels like she's letting me in and that's my favorite moments, when she lets me in.

She stirred in her sleep next to me and I briefly looked over and smiled to see her lips pout and she subconsciously grabbed onto my hand.

The rest of the ride she muttered little things here and there but stayed asleep. I didn't mind, I was just excited she asked me to come to Wales with her. It had been a while since I've been to Cardiff and now I was wondering why she wanted to come. Maybe it was just a holiday or maybe she liked Cardiff?

That's the thing about Camryn, I wanted to know absolutely everything about her. I wanted to know what her favorite color is, I wanted to know why she liked one song over another. I wanted to know if she preferred baths or showers. I want to know everything.

I looked over again and saw her eyes flutter open. Once she was a bit more awake she smiled and sat up intertwining our fingers.

"I'm sorry, I think I slept the whole time," She blushed kissing my hand.

"It's okay, baby. You're cute when you sleep, you talk and let out these little noises, I quite like it," I smiled squeezing her hand.

"I do not," she mumbled.

"You do, I love it, I love everything you do."

She smiled and squeezed my hand.

"Well, you are an excellent driver, thanks for driving."

"Of course, we're about to pull into the hotel now, what were your plans for Cardiff?"

She shrugged looking out the window. "I didn't have anything in particular in mind. I just love Cardiff, something about the city is so fun and exciting. It's so much slower paced than London is feels nice. I want to go to the Castle, obviously, and there is a coffee shop Gem told me about. I love coffee so finding new little places on holiday is my favorite thing to do! Also, Bute Park is my favorite place in Cardiff. Maybe a boat ride to the Bay Area?"

I love how she was talking about Cardiff, she was getting so excited and talking faster and louder.

"That all sounds, very exciting! I'm really happy to be here with you, thank you for letting me come," I smiled as I finally parked in the garage of the hotel.

"Of course, I'm excited we're getting to do this, I like doing new things with you."

I like doing new things with you too.

I like you. A lot. I like who you are as a person. You're beautiful, smart, funny. You're everything I ever needed and wanted and fuck, I love you.

These were my thoughts, but sometimes I was afraid they were too much so I kept them in my head and one day I'd share with her. Sometimes my own feelings scared me, I was sure it wasn't healthy to love someone this much but I didn't want to fix it if it was wrong.

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