42. Camryn

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I was taking Anne out for lunch

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I was taking Anne out for lunch. It had been a few days since Harry proposed and we were all over each other. I visited him at work and things got a little too carried away. Luckily, Edan had gone out for lunch so it was just Harry and I in his office.

I wasn't aware there were many positions we could get through during his lunch break but we were very creative with the time we had.

Anyway, Anne was going back to Manchester tomorrow and I kind of saw Anne as a friend and a mother figure. Our relationship seemed to have grown since Christmas. We texted often and even talked on the phone a few times.

She has become very special to me and I found myself telling her about my past with no hesitation. Not everything... but the way I was treated and how Harry has helped me.

Which is why I am now looking at possible plane tickets to Louisiana in a few weeks while she is in the restroom.

I found two tickets for February 18th. I definitely wasn't going alone— I needed Harry with me. Although he had no idea I was thinking about this.

I mean, if there's anytime to go back to Louisiana then it's during Mardi Gras and crawfish season. I'm not catholic but king cake during Mardi Gras season is divine and crawfish is probably my favorite food. Any seafood really.

Anne made her way back to the table and I put my phone away giving her my attention.

"Do you really think I could do this?" I asked her.

"I think it could give you a lot of closure on your past which will only help your future. Talk to Moira and see what she says but it could be beneficial to you. Besides, Harry will be with you every step of the way and that will help."

She was so kind and understanding and I loved her smile. It was genuine and real. I wish my mother was like Anne.

"Is it bad if I say the idea of children excites and scares me?"

"It definitely should do both!" She laughed grabbing my hand to squeeze it.

"I guess, part of me is so excited to be a parent with Harry. I want to experience everything with him. I know he will be the best dad and I can't wait to see him with our children. But... part of me is also really afraid about ending up like my mom."

Anne looked at me with soft eyes and knowing smile.

"You won't be. You'll have Harry and you'll both learn how to parent together. You'll make mistakes and that's okay. The goal is to surround your child with so much love and acceptance for who they are and you and Harry do that so well with each other it will only become more natural when you have a child."

Anne eased my worries of becoming like my mother and I felt so much closer to her. It was amazing how accepting she is of me and she doesn't judge me.

I was very thankful to have Anne in my life. She was genuine and authentically herself. She is the kindest person I've ever met.

We spent the rest of the day shopping and talking and then we headed to Gemma's where she was cooking a meal for all of us before Anne left.

Harry was meeting us there after work and I couldn't wait to see him. I missed him so much.

I was so happy this new job was perfect for him. His anxiety wasn't as bad and he was able to control his OCD much better. I was so proud of him and he was using the journal I gave him for Christmas. He was actually almost done with it and I was going to get him another for his birthday that had more pages.

Work was the same for me and I actually got a raise. January 7th made my 4 year mark with the company and my boss loves me so my salary went up and that was really nice. She also was transitioning me to a new position but she was actually creating it especially for me so she was working out the kinks before telling me.

My mind kept wandering back to going to Louisiana and I was anxious. What would I even say? Would they be the same? I didn't even hope for change because I didn't want to be disappointed.

"Hi," I heard his familiar voice next to me and didn't even realize he came in.

"Hi," I gave him a kiss and leaned into his arm as he wrapped it around my shoulder.

"You okay?"

Everyone was in the kitchen while we were on the couch. He smelt so nice, he smelt familiar.

"I think I want to go back to Louisiana," I said softly. "I just... I really need closure from my past and I want to confront my parents."

"Are you sure? What brought this on?"

"Your mom and I were talking and I just... I think she's right. There will always be a broken part of me until I get some form of closure from everything that happened and... We're getting married and we want kids and we're planning this future... I just want to make sure I'm bettering myself before we bring kids into our lives. I want to do everything I can to make peace with my past so I can be a better mom and wife than my mother."

He held me tighter and kissed my forehead. "I'll support you, if you really want to go back and face everything. I'll be with you and we'll do it together."

"I love you," I looked up and softly pressed my lips to his. "Thank you for supporting me in this. I still want to talk to Moira about it but I want this... I need this."

"Well then, let's go to Louisiana, baby."

very short chapter, sorry about that!

well, they're going to Louisiana...
Have fun taking a trip down south with them!

you get a fun chapter then we're going to Louisiana

any other south louisiana peeps reading?! bc it's king cake & crawfish season🤌🏼

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