40. Camryn

622 21 14

Harry was busy looking for jobs for the past two days since new year's and he was starting to stress about not finding one

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Harry was busy looking for jobs for the past two days since new year's and he was starting to stress about not finding one.

Then, the perfect opportunity came through.

Edan has her own small business as financial advisors for other small businesses. She takes on one client at a time and she is in high demand. With her husband and 2 kids as well as being pregnant with twins, she needed help. Somehow she got Harry's name and number and asked him to partner with her.

Harry was ecstatic, he felt like he was finally going to be doing what he wanted. We had plenty of celebratory sex and I loved getting to spoil him.

He started the job in two days and he was buzzing about it. We had gotten dinner with his new boss and her family and Harry absolutely adored all the kids. He took a keen liking to Adeline and she clung to him all night. He was so sweet and cuddly with her.

It kind of made me excited to see him like that. I wondered if he wanted kids, he definitely seemed like the type who wanted a full on family.

It made me so excited to actually talk about our future together. I know he wants to propose.. I wonder when he'd want to start planning an family? I mean he was turning 27 soon and I'd be 26 in a few months.

I never really thought of my ideal age to start having kids, mostly because I didn't think I'd have any. And I'm certain Harry is the only person who could make me want kids.

I could just imagine a little girl with his hair and a little boy with my eyes.

I was getting excited at the thought.

Harry was using the last of free days for us to take mini day trips to different places— Bath, Briton, we even went to Normandy for the day once.

Today however he was very adamant on taking me on a date. He planned the whole thing and I definitely wasn't going to say no.

"Babe are you ready?" He asked while I finished getting dressed. It was still January but it was a lot warmer outside so I wore jeans and a long sleeve shirt with a coat.

He was taking me on a picnic at a park a few blocks from our apartment. It wasn't too windy and the sun made everything a bit warmer so I was excited to have some fresh air.

He set up our spot near a tree and away from the busy part of the park before pulling me to sit down next to him and he opened the basket he brought which contained my favorite things from Barkers: food and tea.

He really knows the way to my heart.

We sat next to each other and I bit into the sandwich he got me almost moaning at the taste. It had been forever since I had Barkers and I missed it.

"Should I feel threatened that you're moaning because of a sandwich?" He teased making me smile.

"Of course not babe, although right now this sandwich is moan-worthy. Thanks for this picnic," I kissed his cheek and we continued to eat.

After a few moments of silence I decided to start to drift the conversation into the area of kids. "So, Edan seems amazing. Are you excited to start working with her?"

"Yes, I can't wait to start. She emailed me about which client I'll take on but she told me not to look at it until I went into her office, she wants to make sure I actually rest the rest of the break. I think it'll be great. I mean it's a big pay decrease but I always saved my money over the past 6 years so we'd be good for a while if I had to leave this job."

I hummed and nodded my head, "Well, as long as your happy then I don't care about money. Besides I think we're okay when it comes to money. I enjoyed dinner at her house, her kids are super cute."

Harry's face lit up at the mention of Adeline and Connor and I loved this look.

"I did really enjoy the kids... I really like them," he blushed timidly.

"What about our kids..." I said treading lightly. "I mean, is that something you want in the future?"

"I mean... yeah, I'd like a family. Do you want any?"

"I never thought I did. I mean, look at my mom and I guess the fear of being like her just scared me but having kids with you... I guess the thought isn't as overwhelming. Seeing you with Adeline and Connor really made me want kids with you."

"Come see," he said waving me closer as we finished our food.

He laid down and pulled me to lay on his chest and intertwine our fingers.

"How many kids do you want?" I asked snuggling into his side.

"2...3? I always liked that I had Gemma around and she's one of my closest friends now."

"I like the idea of 2... Maybe a boy and a girl? I know you can't control it but I always liked that idea, especially after seeing Edan's kids.

"A little girl with your smile and laugh," he said
nudging my head with his nose.

"With your hair and eyes, hopefully all of our children will have your hair and eyes. And your personality," I paused and look up at him. "I want them to be as kind and compassionate as you are."

"I want them to be as caring and loving as you. You don't give yourself enough credit for how amazing you are," he softly said kissing my forehead.

"Do you think we'll be good parents?" I asked nervously.

"Probably not, we'll make a lot mistakes but we'll
always make decisions together and love our kid's with everything we have and we'll be alright."

"I love you, Harry."

"I love you, darling. I like planning tomorrow with you," he said making me smile.

"I like that too."

that last line from Harry is in reference to the poem in the last chapter in case you missed it!

thank you to everyone who votes and adds this story to your reading lists, it means so much to me!

also, i made a twitter @/ sogxldyn if you want to hangout and talk there, if not that's cool too!

thank for following along with me :)

love you

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