45. Harry

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Maybe all the king cake was a bad idea

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Maybe all the king cake was a bad idea. And maybe we shouldn't have stayed up till 4 am having sex but as soon as we stepped into the air bnb, in Cam's words, "watching you get all defensive tonight really made me want to fuck you in the car, I restrained myself until we got here, baby. I'm being such a good girl for you."

I don't know what it is but hearing her say she's been such a good girl for me made me lose my fucking mind. We were both insatiable last night.

But now, Cam was so sick and we probably were going to miss our flight. I felt fine. So I was holding her hair back and rubbing circles with my hand on her back while she groaned and cried.

"I'm sorry you're so sick, baby. Should I go get medicine?"

She sat on the floor and leaned back against the wall looking very pale. I didn't know how to help her and I felt awful about it.

"You can't drive and I can't throw anything else up. I also just want to be home so we aren't missing this flight. Let me clean up a bit and then we'll leave for the airport and I'll get medicine at the airport."

She drove slowly to the airport but she wasn't feeling as queasy anymore. She had some color on her face again and I was glad for it.

We made it through customs and were near our gate when she asked me to stay with our bags so she could get medicine and use the restroom.

I felt like I was waiting an eternity for her to come back. Food poisoning is such a bitch. I'm surprised she didn't want to wait a day or two and push our flight back.

But I get it, when I'm sick I just want to be home and London was her home now.

Speaking of homes, we got the house! I may or
may not have planned for everyone to move our stuff into it so I could surprise Camryn. They had been sending me pictures and everything from the apartment except one couch and everything from the storage was in the house and I had movers bringing in other furniture. I was excited for us to go home to our fully furnished house and Gemma said she added her own personal touches that she knew Cam would like to make it more homey.

As long as everything was in tact I was happy and so grateful they did everything.

Technically the lease on the apartment wasn't up until March 30th so we still could use the apartment if needed and Daniel was amazing and put everything from our storage into the actual apartment that didn't go in the house because it would be easier to move it out.

When Camryn came back she had a pale face and I could tel she's been crying again. She probably got sick again.

"Hey, baby, did you get sick again?"

"Not exactly..." she sat down next to me and pulled out two sticks from her pocket and it took me a second to register that they were pregnancy tests. "I'm late for my period and I just... I thought I should take a test.... One is positive and one is negative so we can't know for sure until we go to the doctor."

I was definitely shocked. I mean... we were having a lot more sex lately and all the talk about kids we definitely knew we wanted a family but this was a lot sooner than we imagined. I would be happy either way.

"We'll figure this out together and we'll be fine. If you're pregnant then great, we're starting our family a little earlier than expected. If you aren't then we get to be selfish with each other a few more years. Either way, I love you and I'm going to be there no matter what."

She nodded and let a tear fall down her cheek.

"Thank you. I love you. Fuck, what a trip." She leaned her head on my shoulder and put the tests in her carryon. My hand rested on her thigh and my mind was still reeling.

I really wouldn't mind if she was pregnant. I did feel underprepared, although I'm sure all new parents do.

I liked the idea of having kids around 30. I wanted a few more years to just be selfish with Camryn and have time where it was just us but I'm not upset if she is pregnant because I honestly loved the idea of a mini us running around.

The plane ride was a lot better this time, Camryn wasn't too anxious other than not knowing if she was pregnant but that caused her less stress than going back to Louisiana so I'm happy she didn't have to take sleeping pills.

When I got our car and started driving to the new house she looked confused and looked to me for an answer.

"So I may or may not have everything moved to surprise you?"

"Really?! So we get to spend the night in our house?" She asked super excited and smiling so big.

We walked in and it was perfect. Everything was better than I imagined and I loved Camryn's smile as she walked around the house.

"It's perfect," She said turning to face me.

It was nice coming home to an actual house.

We got ready for bed and I knew Cam was stressed about not knowing if she was pregnant. She said we could go to the GP tomorrow and they'd give us an answer.

It felt a little surreal to think of being a parent right now. This was a lot for her to process especially after confronting her family again.

She was laid down and I sat at the foot of the bed and began massaging her feet after our shower. My hands massaged her calves and then slowly moved down again.

"What are you thinking?" I asked watching her whole body relax from my touch.

"I'm nervous. Is it bad to say that I'm not sure if I want a kid right now? Like, obviously if I'm pregnant then I know I'll love it but part of me wanted it to be just us for a while. I want to be selfish with you and keep you just for me for a little while longer."

I nodded in understanding.

"That's how I feel to. If you are pregnant then I know we'll love the kid and take of it and we'll be parents but i did like the idea of us being us and being confident in who we are as a couple and individuals before having a child."

"So we can both agree that if I'm not pregnant we won't be disappointed?"

"No, darling. And if you are it will definitely be a shock but I love you and I want a baby with you so we'll just start making a family a little early."

It was nice that neither of us were freaking out. I mean, it felt like we knew each other so well that if I sensed she was really uneasy then we'd talk about it more but right now we didn't know so we couldn't freak out too much.

But, a part of me really liked the idea of bringing a mini us into the world, if not now then a few years from now.

big things are coming :)

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