10. David

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"I keep fucking up, David

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"I keep fucking up, David."

So, Harry was stressed. I personally didn't see the big deal. It's not like he proposed. They fell asleep together, not exactly a bad thing.

"That seems like a reach," I said puckering my lips together.

"Well, we fell asleep and I haven't seen her since. She's avoiding me. I should have just left, I was just so sleepy. Fuck, I ruined it. This is what I get for deciding that I would say fuck anxiety and go for it with a girl I actually like."

He was really stressed.

"Look, you fell asleep together. You didn't sleep together so that is a good thing. That may be too soon. And, could she possibly be busy? Family drama? Friend drama? Work? You're letting the worst case scenario play out in your head and we both know that is not a good look for you," I said shaking my head.

"Well, fuck. What do I do? I don't know how to make my brain pause."

I sighed and grabbed my coffee.

"You talk to her, like a mature adult. Apologize, if you feel you need to. Just take a deep breath. The thing is, she probably isn't worried because if she was uncomfortable she probably would have said something. She has no problem vocalizing when she's uncomfortable so I don't think this any different. She has a whole life, Harry, you only see part of that so she could just be busy."

He nodded and drank his tea.

My words would only ease his anxiety a little bit. I know he's been freaking out since Sunday.

"How did you two wake up and leave?"

"Well," he paused drinking his tea. "We just kind of woke up and my face got really hot when I noticed I was literally laying on top of her. So, I just got up and said sorry and left."

"So, you didn't actually talk after? You just left?" I asked confused.

Sometimes I think Harry was really fucking dumb.


"Literally what the fuck. Harry, you just left?! She probably thinks you were uncomfortable! Okay, you literally are fucking stupid and you know I say that with all the love in my heart for you. I need you to listen to me," I said grabbing both of his hands. "Talk to her immediately, apologize, and make sure she knows that you are a fucking idiot."

He frowned and took his hands away from mine.

"You're mean," he pouted making me laugh.

"No, I tell you how it is and you love it, even when you don't want to hear it. Now, are you inviting her to Gemma's house warming party?"

"Maybe, should I?"

"I think if you want her to see that Sunday didn't change anything for you then you should make an effort to show her you want to hangout. Even if she says no, she knows you're interested and she'll know that you running out Sunday was a big fucking mistake."

"Okay, I think I can do that. This is good," he said nodding to himself.

"Okay, great. Now, I need you to leave because my possible future boyfriend is coming over," I smiled grabbing our mugs and walking to the kitchen.

"Oh right! Daniel right? How is it with him?"

I smiled washing the cups. "He's kind of amazing and he doesn't freak out when I mention my anxiety or depression so he's already better than the last guy. It's working for now, and I like him. He seems to like me," I shrugged drying the dishes and placing them in the cupboard.

"Good, no one should make you feel any type of way about your anxiety and depression, you're amazing just how you are, David. I personally can't wait to officially meet Daniel, I think this is great and I like seeing you like this," he smiled gesturing to me making me blush and bite my lip to hide my smile.

"What way?"

"Happy, I know you still have your days but he helps you on your bad days and that's what a partner is supposed to do, not fix you, just do life with you and understand that it get's hard at times. You deserve this."

I wanted to fucking cry, I love Harry.

"Well, thank you for that. You know you are the most understanding guy I've ever met. Which is why I think you'll be perfect for Camryn."

"You keep saying that, as if you know something about her?"

"I do, but it's not my place to tell. She will, when she's ready and I think you'll be exactly who she needs in that moment."

He didn't know what I was talking about but he would, because I did think Camryn would open up a lot easier than she expects and I think that will freak her out a bit but it will be good for her.

I could tell every-time we've met she has walls so high that I don't even think she remembers why they're so high. They're just comfortable to her because it's all she's been used to for so long. I think Harry is going to help her break those and make her see that she can be okay letting people in and trusting someone.

Harry's right, people like us don't need fixing although we feel like we do. We just need someone to do life with us and understand that some days are so fucking hard but they stay because they care and they decided to choose that we were worth it to them. Camryn is worth it to Harry and I can't wait for her to realize that.

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