39. Harry

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Cam was looking very sexy tonight

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Cam was looking very sexy tonight. She wore a white silk dress that stopped above the middle of her thighs and the back was a bit open. She was cold on the way over to the pub and so I gave her my jacket but as soon as we got to the table she shrugged it off.

The amount of people here on New Years Eve was a crowd I'd never expected. This pub was very low-key and casual and I didn't understand why it was so busy.

The room was very warm and I just let the jacket rest behind her back and the booth. She was gorgeous. The way she smiled and laughed at Daniel's jokes made me smile but I wasn't paying attention to anything he said.

Her hand rested on my thigh and she mindlessly rubbed circles with her thumb.

She was so captivating in everything she does.

She's been feeling really good lately and hasn't had an appointment with Moira in a while. She said this happened a lot during her "normal" cycle. She would see Moira every few weeks instead of every week and it worked for her.

She had been doing so well and making so much progress. Christmas was a lot of fun and we ended up staying a day or so later than we planned and it was Cam's idea.

"Hey, Harry, do you think we could stay another day?" Her voice was timid as she spoke and I wasn't expecting what she asked.


"I just really like your mom... and I like feeling like I'm a part of a family. I know you are my family but..."

"You like feeling like you have a mother," I spoke watching her nod slowly.

This was obviously really hard for her and I pulled her closer and kissed her cheek.

"She is your mom now, we are you're family. You are my family."

So we stayed another day and just played board games and slept and it was the perfect ending to Christmas. My mum and Cam even went for a walk together and when they came back they were all laughs and giggles through the front door.

I didn't even care what embarrassing stories she may have shared, if it made Cam smile I was okay with it.

Now we are at an overcrowded pub and I was feeling on edge. Crowds always seemed to set me off in some way. So many people. If there was an emergency it would feel suffocating more than it already is.

The loud laughter and sounds of glass hitting together was making me more anxious. My palms were sweating and I tried to just focus on Camryn because focusing on her seemed to help. She always seemed to calm me down.

We stayed seated at the table and I was kind of happy she didn't want to dance, there was no room and she honestly seemed more happy talking to David and Daniel.

The thought of dancing right now makes me nauseous, there were just so many people.

They had to be over capacity in here.

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