Chapter 57

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Chapter 57



The past few days have been quiet. Apart from work, no major issue had made its presence. Life has come back to normal with our daily routine. There is no news on Joseph Anderson since his disappears 2 months ago. His father with the help of my father had taken over the company. There has been a lot of chaos since Joseph's disappears, as a lot of business projects were yet to complete. Few were partly done while the other few were left in the middle. The obvious blame of all these problems fell on me by my father.

Being the major shareholder of the company, I had to look after the performance of the company and its management, and since the company was facing a lot of problems and issues regarding its project, I had to step up and manage it. But since my knowledge on running a company had its limit, I was left confuse. I had informed William about the situation and he helped through it along with Jasper. The both of them have been guiding me with a lot of decision making, much to my father's dismay. 

My living situation had no changes either. I had multiple arguments with William regarding my situation. He wanted me to move in with him into his room and even assured me that his family would have no problem with it and his mother and sister would gladly welcome me, but I was strictly against this idea. So I was still living with Marisa. The feeling of being a burden on her was weighing my shoulder. The guilt of seeing her not able to spent time with her boyfriend due to my presence was increasing. For a split second, I had decided to apologize to my father and move back with him. I even called my mother with these concerns. She happily agreed for me to move back in until my dad heard the conversation and stood against that decision. Apparently, I've been kicked out of my own house and I can't have a house of my own as my father would sabotage that too. 

I was growing frustrated day by day with my father's behavior. The only thing that kept me sane and helped me cope, was my talks with William. After the news that Gwen remembered, William has been over the moon. His conversation has turned light and flirty as he messages me various pickup lines each day. The smile and laughter that bares his face really keeps me going. At first, he was worried that after what happened, Gwen will relapse into her nightmares and fears, but none of that has happened so far. The relief that Mr. Black is gone from their life has helped the situation a lot better. With Ashton by Gwen's side along with her friends and family have really helped her cope. Things were coming back to normal as Gwen started her school again–much to William's dismay, the Wilson brothers and Richard Wilson started coming to the office again and ordering others like they use to. But it was only calm before the storm. 

Currently, I was perched in my chair, twirling the pen between my fingers as I read through a document which needs to be edited before sending it to William for final approval. The heavy footsteps of running reached my ears before the figure to whom the sounds belong came into my view. I raised an eyebrow at a very shock looking Mia and Jace and a disbelief looking Emma. Mia panted as she reached my desk. She banged her hand on the table startling all of us. 

"Is it true?" She asked with a wide eye.

"What he was saying was true?" Jace followed with his eyes wide like Mia's and mouth open.

"You're joking, right?" Emma asked in disbelief.

I eyed all the three of them carefully and even offered Jace a glass of water which he chucked down in one go and then asked them a question of my own. "What are you guys talking about?"

"You don't know!?" Mia exclaimed loudly. "I mean we had our doubts, but it almost seem impossible, yet possible, still impossible and it is possible?"

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