Chapter 45

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Chapter 45



"I'm not jealous."

There was an undeniable spark in his eyes as he stared at me. I gripped his hair tightly in my hand, hoping for some type of reaction but he gave me none, other than amusement and so much lust that caused me to clench my thigh together. Maybe I wasn't good at hiding it as he suddenly stood up with me in his arms. My legs wrapped around his waist and my hands holding his shoulder. His strong arms holding me captive against his chest by my waist as he stalked towards the bedroom.

He tossed me on the bed and stood at the edge looking down at me with love and lust. Seeing those feeling in his eyes made my chest tight and the need for him increased. I was still mad, pissed and jealous that he was with Candice. I decided to test him and let him know that I did not like that he was with her.

"How would you feel if I go out with someone who is not you, knowing that the person likes me?" I asked, feeling my body warm under his stare.

Something dark and dangerous flashes in his eyes. "Don't test me, Sophia. I'm not a man with patience."

I cocked my head to side, not ready to give up yet. "How do you mean?"

I stayed paralysed under his stare as he just stood and stared at me while I laid, hot and bothered on the bed. I noticed his hands were clenched in a tight fist. "You cannot talk about being with another man in front of me, Sophia. I do not accept it. There are consequences."

I gulped. The look in his eyes makes me want to beg him to take me as well as spare me, and before I know his mouth is on me, cutting me off from saying anything else. I could feel his hands roaming and touching any skin he could. My body felt on fire and the need for him was dripping down and soaking my panties.

The next few hours were spent between the sheets with William punishing me for suggesting being with another man in the most promising way. I don't think I'll be able to walk tomorrow. I don't even worry about it until the next morning. Right now, I take whatever he has in store for me with open arm. I like feeling his touch, his kisses, his body on mine. I have the urge to wrap myself around him and never leave the bed with him in it. My heart feels like it would burst from my chest with these overwhelming feeling of love I have for him.

We laid on the bed, both of us panting after out release. I was tucked under his arm as he cuddled me from behind, laying a small kiss on my shoulder.

"I love you, Sophia." He whispered against my shoulder. "I really didn't know I would run into Candice."

I turned around in his arms and rubbed his cheeks with my hand. "I believe you." I whispered and I do. I know he wouldn't hurt me. I trust him. "But that does not mean I like you being around her."

A soft chuckle left his mouth as they smiled at me in amusement. "I never thought you would be a jealous type."

I gave him a slight shrug. "I didn't either. You bring that out from within me."

"What else do I bring out?" He asked, his question having a double meaning to it.

"The best orgasm I ever had." I whispered, kissing his jaws.

He tightened his arms around me as I continued to kiss him around his face and neck. He flips me on my back and hovers over me. "I can give you as many as you like."

"That sounds like a promise." I breathe.

"A promise I am going to fulfill."

And boy, he did.

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