Chapter 49

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Chapter 49



"What!?" I yelled in disbelief.

"Things were rough between us at that point. I was losing my anger and Ethan just happen to say something that triggered and made me snap. I punched him–"

"You punched him!?" I said, looking at him in shock.

He nodded slowly, eyeing me. "I did. I apologized for my actions and next thing I know I told him everything."

"Everything?" I asked, staring wide eyes at him.

"Everything." He repeated.

I sighed and fell back on the couch, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I'm so embarrassed. I can recall the times I met him after that. He knew and he didn't say or show that he knew. He even listened to the conversation I had with Joseph that day...wait." I suddenly sat up straight, recalling the words he spoke to me. "So he knew we hooked up in Italy, our feelings for each other and listened to my conversation with Joseph where the marriage was brought up. He acted surprise, but he knew. Fuck!"

"You don't have to worry." William was quick to respond. "He doesn't judge you or looks at you any different. He was more angry at Joseph than you."

"It doesn't matter. He might not say anything to you, but he hates me." I groaned and buried my face in my hands.

"Sophia," William said softly. "He doesn't hate you. He is helping me with Anderson problem."

My head snapped up again. I was really dizzy with all the information I was receiving today. "What problems? What are you doing?"

He gave me an almost regretful look. "Please understand, but I cannot tell you anything about it now. But trust me, I have it handled."

"William–" I opened my mouth to protest, but he shook his head.

"Trust me." He said, firmly, staring right into my eyes.

I reluctantly nodded. "I trust you."

A smile grew on his face. "Thank you. Now, about that conversation. Are you willing to meet my family? All my cousins are flying out to London for few weeks. I would really like if you come."

I hesitated. We haven't made it official so meeting them would be so nerve wrecking and now that Ethan knows, it might be worst. No matter how many times William says it's fine, the embarrassment still won't fade.

"I don't think it's a good idea." I said softly, watching his face fall.

"It's okay. It's too early. I understand." He said, giving me a force smile.

I could see that he was upset that I refused him, but it is very difficult to meet your boyfriend's family. The whole family at that.

We avoided talking about the whole subject of discussion today and settled for light topic as William insisted on driving me home. I was happy that our relation had taken a step forward by opening up to each other– mostly William opening to me.

I couldn't stop thinking about everything that he told me today about his past. The amount of guilt that has burdened his shoulder. It is the sole reason he lost his smile and turned into a cold, angry man. All he has to do is forgive himself and stop blaming himself for everything that happened.

There was an unsettling feeling of Mr. Black on loose. William never mentioned his name and always addressed him Mr. Black which piped curiosity within me, but I knew better than to dig into it. He was already on loose and the dread feeling that something will happen can't be shaken off. William is worried about it, that means it's something to worry about. I just hope Gwen is safe. Because if anything happens to her, William is going to lose his shit.

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