Chapter 26

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Chapter 26



Currently, I was resting in my room since I was tired from all the travelling and we arrived late at night. I had given a day off to Sophia and had taken a day off myself. Instead of going to office to work, I decided to work from home.

I was sleeping on my bed when the door to my room burst open. I sighed when I see Nate, Ethan, Blake, Max and Ryan walk in. Ryan and Max had arrived yesterday afternoon and since then they have been boosting about what all they did in these 2-3 days.

"What do you want?" I asked, looking at them. They only come together in my room if they want something or they are upto something and from the looks they are throwing at me, I'm sure they are upto something.

"How was Italy?" Max asked, smirking.

"It was good." I replied.

"Anything happened while you were there?" Ethan asked, propping down on my bed.

My eyes glanced over at Blake, wondering if he said something. As if he knew what I was thinking, he shook his head and shrugged. "No."

"Really?" Nate asked, eyeing me. "You didn't have a great time?"

I sighed, irritated with all their nonsense questions. "What are you implying?"

"We just want to know how it was. That's all." Ryan said shrugging, but he had that ghost of a smile on his face.

"And I told you. It was good. We cracked the deal and now the land is ours. Ethan has to go down for the rest of the work." I said, taking the bottle of the water that was kept on the nightstand and drinking some of it.

"So you didn't have sex with Sophia?" Nate bluntly asked.

The water in my mouth sprayed all over Ethan who was sitting next to me. He closed his eyes, clenching his jaws. Ryan, Max and Blake burst out laughing while Nate gave an amusing smile. I glared at Nate as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. Max handed Ethan a cloth to clean his face.

"Who told you that?" I demanded.

"Marisa did." Nate smiled amusingly at me.

"Since when did you get all buddy-buddy with Marisa?" I muttered.

"Since never. It's just a bet we had and right now Marisa is pestering Sophia and well she texted me saying that you guys slept together." Nate explained. "I thought you might have some self control. I bet on you to not give in so easily."

"And that to your secretary?" Max continued. "You always complain about your secretary throwing themselves at you and now you did the exact same thing?"

"She must be special." Ryan butted.

"She definitely was. He sabotaged her lunch date." Blake informed them.

"It wasn't a lunch date." I denied. "It was lunch with the land owner. She went to meet him because he wouldn't sign otherwise."

"Stop giving us reasons," Blake began. "You were jealous when she announced her lunch date."

"It wasn't a date." I said, through my clenched teeth.

"No need to be jealous. That man must be very old for her and haven't you guys already done the deeds." Ryan smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"What are you even doing here?" I questioned back, looking at both Max and Ryan. "Aren't you both young for this talk?"

"We may be 15 and 16, but we already received those talks from Mom and Dad." Max said, rolling his eyes.

William Wilson ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora