Chapter 9

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Chapter 9



The feeling of dread filled me as I made my way over to Wilson Company. After handing over my letter to Mr. Anderson, he obviously didn't take it well since he fired me even after I quit. But what's worse is that not even 2 hours later, I got a call from Mr. William to come to his office. If he changed his mind about giving me that job, then it is going be a living nightmare for me since I would have nowhere to work.

Silencing the negative thoughts in my head, I drove from my home to Wilson destination. Upon reaching the building, I quickly parked my car and made my way upstairs.

I pushed the button of the elevator close, but someone stopped it from their hand.

"Sorry sorry. Hold the lift for me please," said a man in suit.

I wasn't the only one in the lift, but I was the most impatient one at that moment. But I couldn't let the man hanging so I stopped the lift and waited for him to enter.

"Thank you so much," he said in appreciation.

"No problem." I muttered, a little annoyed since I can't wait to reach the office of Mr. Wilson.

"I'm Ray," he introduced, smiling. If I wasn't in a hurry I would have probably melted with the dimple he flashed when he smiled.


"Nice to meet you, Sophia." He responded politely. "I must say you are very pretty."

I blushed at the unexpected compliment. "Thank you."

"My pleasure."

The elevator opened on the 3rd floor to let few people in and again on 7th and again on 11th. The more people filled in, the more impatient I got.

"In a hurry?" Ray asked from next to me. He was kind of squashed into me since the elevator was now crowded.

I huffed. I should have taken the personal elevator only. "Yes."

"Do you work here?" He asked again.

I sighed. It was the first time a guy was so interested in me that even though we were crammed in the small space where everyone could hear him talk since it was dead silence, he continued to talk. "No."

I felt him shift a little before saying again. "Then?"

I bit my lips to stop myself from screaming in frustration. "I am here to meet Mr. Wilson."

"There are four Mr. Wilson. Which one is yours?" He asked, chuckling at his own joke. People around us gave him and me a wary look, but thankfully didn't say anything.


Ray clicked his tongue. "Damn. You've got the bad one, huh?"

"Excuse me?" I asked in exasperation. "Don't you work here?"

"I sure do."

"Then how can you say that about your boss?"

"I actually work in Ethan Wilson's department. He is pretty chill person and I had few encounters with William. He scares the shit out of people," he replied shrugging as if this was a common knowledge here.

"Well, you must be working for Ethan Wilson, but William is ultimately the CEO, that means your boss, so I don't think you should spew bad things about him." I said in disapproval.

"Why so defensive?" He asked, curiously. "Are you his girlfriend?"

My cheeks flamed red at the mention of being William's love interest and also at the embarrassment of defending the man who was probably calling to fire me before I even started working here. Honestly, I didn't know the reason why I was defending him, but the inner me told me that he was wrong in judging a man who he clearly didn't know.

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