Chapter 14

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Chapter 14



The pounding of headache continued as I worked on the Italian project. There were a lot of things to finalize, but we weren't getting the permission to continue. There are issues with the buyer of the land. At the beginning, he agreed to sell the land to us, but now he wants to backtrack as refuses to give it. The land was in the supreme area which would earn us a lot of profits if we made a hotel there. Since it was by the beach with a great view of the ocean, the buyer refuses to give in. He claims that he wasn't thinking when he agreed to sell it. The contract we made for him was bare of his signature so we couldn't throw a lawsuit at him either. All we can do is try to convince him to give us that land by offering more money than it's worth.

The baring sound of my ring tone brought me out of my working. Without looking at the caller ID, I picked up. "Hello?"


I paused from typing on my laptop and leaned back in my chair. "Yes, Dad?"

"When are you coming home?" He questioned.

I looked at the time on my watch and cursed under my breath. It was already past 10. "I'll be there soon."

"Okay." He said and ended the call.

Quickly organising my desk, I took few files with me which I have to discuss with Dad and Ethan and walked out of my office. I paused at the doorway looking at the desk which usually is occupied by a certain blonde. After the meeting, I did not have time to talk to her other than business and also because I didn't want to.

I have made up my mind this time to keep it to business conversation only and to avoid any sexual attention to come my way. It wouldn't be hard to do so as I have been doing that for quite some time now and Sophia was no exception.

I walked past her desk towards the elevator and down to my car. My driver had taken a month off because his wife had just given birth to their third child and he needed to be with them.

Giving my keys to Jack who was waiting at the steps of my house, I made my way in. Jack was the guard assigned for Gwen, but he rarely follows her as Gwen denies him to follow her. She says if she needs him she will ask him to follow her, but until then he guards around the house and usually parks and brings out the car when needed. Not to mention that he was a deary to Gwen too.

"Will, you're back." Ryan called as he was the first to notice me.

I nodded and took a seat on the couch. Closing my eyes, I leaned back to get comfortable.

"Tough day?" I heard Mom ask.

"You have no idea." I replied. Remembering about today, I opened my eyes and looked for Nate who was sitting quietly at the other end. I don't think he has mentioned anything to anyone yet so I pretended nothing happened and closed my eyes.

"Come on. Eat your dinner." Dad say.

I nodded and got up to leave. I finished my dinner with Mom and Max accompanying me. "Where is Gwen?"

"She is studying in her room. Our exams start from day after tomorrow." Max said, going through his own book.

"Why isn't Ryan studying then? And what about Blake?"

Max shrugged. "I have no idea about Ryan. He claims he studied a lot. Blake is in his room, studying."

I nodded and focused on completing my food. Once I was done, I cleaned my dishes since Mary-Ann was already asleep. I walked back in the living room with Mom and Max behind me.

William Wilson ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora