Chapter 62

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Chapter 62



Sophia and I rushed to the hospital along with Jasper. Once I gave Sophia the news of her father, she has been quiet. I could see the regret and guilt of pushing away her father on her face along with the fear of losing him. She hasn't spoken a word to me throughout the ride and I gave her the space she needed. 

Upon reaching the hospital, we rushed to the room Sophia's father was taken. As soon as we located the room, Sophia did not bother knocking as she barged into the room. "Dad!"

The doctor inside the room paused while the nurse with him glared at Sophia and loudly shushed her. "No talking loudly." She hissed.

Sophia muttered an apology under her breath and rushed to her father's side while I stayed near the door with Jasper, watching the family reunite. Sophia was hugging her mother and sister as they cried in relief while Marisa stood by their side waiting for her turn. Sophia then turned to her father and grabbed his hand. I noticed Mr. Bennett was awake and staring at Sophia with mix emotion, but guilt, regret, pain and relief stood out the most.

"Oh! Sophia," he cried as few tears ran down his eyes.

"Take it easy. You are still recovering." The doctor gently ordered. 

"How is he?" Sophia asked the doctor, taking a seat next to her father's leg.

"The attack wasn't a major one which is a good thing, but this is a second one which is bad and dangerous and caused by stress. I would suggest him to take things easily. He shouldn't take stress and worry. He is going to here for a while." He explained.

"Thank you, doctor." Carol said, gratefully as she noticed her sister wasn't going to reply as she was crying. 

"Just doing my job." He stated and left the room.

"The patient needs rest. Only one person can stay while the rest of you can wait outside." The nurse instructed and waited for us to leave. 

Since Sophia made no move to leave, I walked out with the others and gave Sophia and her Dad some space. They probably need few minutes alone. Jasper patted my back in reassurance as he took a seat outside while I stood with Carol and Mrs. Bennett. Marisa excused herself to the bathroom. 

"Mr. Wilson," Mrs. Bennett started as she grabbed my hand. "I am so grateful to you. You brought my daughter back safely. Thank you for everything. Thank you so much for taking care of her while I couldn't."

I shook my head and place a hand on top of hers as I gave her a gentle smile. "Don't thank me. I almost couldn't save her. But I'm glad she is okay now. I love her and I will always protect her and care for her. She is safe with me."

Mrs. Bennett nodded and gave me a grateful smile before a frown took over her face. "Can you tell me what happened? Why did Joseph kidnap her? How did you find her?"

So the next few minutes I ended up explaining everything to them. They were shocked to hear would be an understatement. They wanted to meet Gwen and personally thank her since it was because of her that Sophia was okay and unharmed. Somewhere during that time Marisa joined us and stayed quiet as she heard me explaining. 

Soon Sophia came out and walked right into my waiting arms. She informed us that her father was sleeping now and that he wanted us to visit him next time when he was feeling better. I offered the others a ride home as Mr. Bennett rested and his wife was going to stay with him. She requested Sophia to rest before she comes back again and promised to inform her father the same. 

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