Chapter 2

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Chapter 2



The sun was shining bright in the sky and the light shining on my face was what woke me up from my deep slumber. I felt a slight movement from beside me. For a minute I was confused and also thinking about the possibility of having someone with me in my bed. I arrived late yesterday night as I went out with Nate and Ethan for few drinks. I remember making out with a girl at the bar, but I don't remember bringing them home. Never have I ever brought a girl home.

I was probably about to yell for the girl to leave, but when I saw the duck pajamas that was peeking out of the comforter, I knew exactly who laid next to me. Pulling the covers carefully as to not wake her up, I saw Gwen sleeping peacefully next to me. Sighing at the beautiful face of my sister, I smiled and leaned in to kiss her forehead.

I knew exactly why she was sleeping next to me. Her nightmare must have woken her up. It was a frequent occurrence for her to get nightmare after that dreadful day six years ago. She never told us anything that happened that day. Whenever I asked her after she cried, all she said that it was horrible and changed the topic. I knew even after all these years; she never came out of that trauma. I felt her get distant so many times. So many times I felt as if she was hiding something from us. It was very difficult for us to make her open up, but we all still tried.

And now looking at her sleeping peacefully brought a smile to my face. It was soon turned into a scoff as the door to my room burst open as Ethan and Ryan strolled in. I glared at them as they entered without knocking. I hate when people don't knock, except for Gwen.

"Rise and shine," Ethan yelled, waking Gwen up with a startle. She looked around the room before her eyes settled on me. Sighing in relief, she smiled at me. "Good morning."

"Good morning." I replied and turned to Ethan and glared at him for waking her up. He rolled his eyes at me before giving Gwen a cheeky look. Ryan just popped down next to her and hugged her waist before closing his eyes and relaxing.

Unconsciously, she started playing with his hair as she questioned Ethan. "How did you know that I was here?"

"Well since we wake you up every day and find you here with Will almost all the time, it wasn't hard to guess," He replied, sarcastically, but a smile never left his face.

Gwen rolled her eyes before poking her tongue out at him. Gasping, Ethan charged towards her and swiftly picked her up causing Ryan to lose his grip. He grumbled and walked out behind them. Gwen squealed and laughed as Ethan carried her out and probably to her room to let her brush before breakfast. Following their lead, I brushed my teeth and got ready for work. Taking few important files with me, I set my way towards the kitchen. Gwen and Ethan were yet to come down, but I saw Ryan already sitting in his seat.

"You don't have school today?" I asked as I sat down.

Ryan rolled his and mumbled, "Only you could ask that question on a Sunday morning. Some of us like to relax and enjoy the vacation."

I grunted and waited for Mary-Ann to bring out the breakfast. Not everyone was present at the breakfast table yet. My Dad, Richard Wilson and my Mom, Stephanie Wilson, were out for 2 days on a business trip to California. My Mom being a fashion designer had her big event today for a new line of clothing wear and Dad accompanied her to her big event, leaving me in charge of the company and all my other family members. My other family members include my five brothers, me being the eldest and one little sister, Gwen.

Gwen is fifteen years old and a sophomore in her school. She is the only girl in the family except for my mom. Being so young, Gwen has experienced few things that a fifteen years never should have experienced. Unimaginable things happened a few years ago which had her closed off from all of us. We never found out what happened, but from the nightmare she gets at night, it was enough for us to know that it was something very bad. This made all us very protective over her, especially me. I can't stand to see a frown on her face or her being sad in any case. She was my little sister and I intent to protect her with my life.

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