Chapter 47

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Chapter 47



I was very anxious as I didn't have any contact with William after he dropped me home from searching for Gwen. I just knew that she came home safe and sound as William had dropped me a text informing the same.

Currently, I was waiting in his office, biting my lips and fidgeting with the necklace he gave me in Italy. Since William and I started our relation, he insisted that I wear it all the time. I told him that I might lose it, but he just shrugged and said I'll buy more or make the same one again. Begrudgingly, I agreed and have been wearing it since then.

One thing that was still stuck in my mind and was somewhat disturbing me was that William never officially asked me out. Sure we confessed our love but we never became exclusive. Maybe I needed that tag for reassurance. I decided to talk to him later. Right now, I wanted to know if Gwen was okay.

Not soon enough did the thought passed my mind, William walked through his office door. His face turned to his right as he walked in. His body screamed confusion as his pace was slow.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, eyeing him with confusion.

He jumped at my voice and a small squeak left his mouth as he snapped his head in my direction. His eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open. His face lost colour as if he has seen a ghost.

Concerned, I rushed towards him. "Are you okay?" He mutely nodded, still staring at me wide eyes. "Do you want water?" When he nodded, I handed him a glass of water that was placed on his desk. He drank it in a big gulp and slammed the glass, causing me to jump.

Once I know he was calm and relaxed, I began my series of questions. "How is she? When did she come back? What happened? Is she okay?"

"Woah woah. Sophia, breathe." He said, placing his hands on my shoulder and breathing heavily with me. "She is fine."

"Did she run because of Ashton?"

William paused and didn't answer my question directly. It looks like he was in deep thoughts. "Yeah. That's the reason."

I knew he lied. He wouldn't look me in the eye. I wanted to know why he lied. Why is he still hiding things for me? Why can't he open up to me? I felt my eyes sting from the tears. Shaking my head, I turned around to leave.

"Sophia." William called.

I shook my head. "No, William. I can't keep on doing this with you. I've opened up to you and shared my heart with you, yet I still don't feel like you have done the same. I can tell that you are lying. I'm trying to understand what have I done to make me seem so un-trustable that you can't speak the truth to me, you can't let me into your past. I thought we were progressing but I was clearly wrong." I turned to him and looked him straight in eyes. "Call me when you actually want to speak the truth."

I walked out of his office and sighed as I closed the door behind me. I leaned against it and closed my eyes. I don't know if what I said was right. Maybe I was pressuring him in talking about his past, but I need to know. If not now, then when?

The rest of the day went uneventful. Sometime after lunch, William left the office along with his brothers and Dad. I had already guessed where he was going and why. When he came to my desk to inform me about it, I just nodded and told him that I would reschedule some of his meetings and that was it. Usually, I ask him 'what happened' or 'if everything is okay', but this time I didn't. Like an obedient secretary, I did what I was hired for without asking questions. We barely talked that whole day seeing that I was still ignoring him.

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