Chapter 60

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Chapter 60



"What the bloody hell was that!?" I yelled, outraged with Nate's behavior today.

"Exactly what it was." Nate said, standing up from his seat. 

As soon as I dropped Sophia at Marisa's place, I wanted to yell and punch Nate. I found him sitting on the couch in the game room along with Ethan, Ryan, Blake and Max. Gwen was nowhere to be found. Good. 

"Both of you need to calm down," Ethan said, coming in between us. 

"How can I possibly relax after the way he behaved with Sophia today?" I told Ethan, glaring at Nate. 

"I did not say anything wrong. I was giving my opinion. Nobody asked her to speak her mind. You can't blame me if she felt bad." Nate said, icily. "And from the looks of it, I did not say anything untruth. Here you are fighting over Sophia when the first thing you should have asked was 'how is Gwen?' as she ran with tears in her eyes."

I glared at him but did not reply because what he said was true. The first thing I should have asked was about Gwen but instead, I was yelling at Nate. "Where is she?" I asked, a little quietly, taking control of my anger.

Nate laughed as he looked around at others. "Did you see this? You were asking me to understand and were talking sense into me while your elder brother forgot about his own sister."

"Nate," Max pleaded. "Stop."

Nate stared at him, his previous laughter gone and replacing an angry look. His face screamed that he wanted to talk more and yell some more, but he decided to listen to Max and stayed silent. He shook his head and made a move to walk out of the room, but only took a few steps before he stopped. Ethan turned his head to look at his sudden abruptness and took a sharp breath. 

Slowly, I turned around and looked into the glassy eyes of Gwen staring at Nate. Nate slowly took few steps in her direction, but walked past her out of the room. Gwen's eyes followed his movement until he disappeared before turning to me. "Gwen-" I started, but stopped as she raised her hands. 

"Let me." She said, walking into the room. "I wanted to apologise to you for ruining your night. I know this must have been important to you as it was the first time you brought someone home to meet our parents and I know how much you love her. I don't know what happened to me after what Nate said. I guess even after everything, I still blame myself for what happened. If it weren't for me, you guys wouldn't be the way you are, always scared for me, protective of me. You wouldn't have lost your smile. You wouldn't be force to make all the decision keeping me in mind. You wouldn't be in a position to choose between your sister and your life. I am not hurt or angry that you forgot to ask about me. You were always there for me my whole life. You gave up everything for me and when you finally got a chance at life, who am I to take it away from you? It will take time for us to move on with everything that happened. But I'm glad you are taking that step. I don't want you'll to worry about me at every step. I am moving on and it is only fair for you to move on too. And tell Sophia, I'm sorry for ruining her night too. I'll personally meet her too, but until I don't, just drop my message to her. And don't worry about Nate. He is just angry. As soon as his anger calms down he will come to you. He is family afterall and no matter what, family always stays with you." She completed with a weak smile.

I couldn't stop myself from pulling her into my chest. I heard her sob and closed my eyes as I felt them get moist. "Don't cry, Gwen and you have nothing to be sorry about. You are my baby sister and I will, we all will always be protective of you. I will repeat this hundred times if I have to, what happened was never your fault. We did not lose our smile. You made us smile with your goofiness. I love you, Gwen. You never made me choose. I am sorry you felt you were making me choose. Trust me, that's not the case. I am sorry I did not follow you when you walked away crying. Also, you did not take our chance at life."

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