Chapter 10

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Chapter 10



After giving the instructions to Sophia and dismissing her to begin, I thought about what happened earlier before she came in.

Ethan paid me a visit.


Not even a minute later I had ended the call, there was a series of knock on my door.

"Come in."

The door opened loudly and Ethan came in. He walked towards the couch at the left end of the room and popped down. Rubbing his face, he turned to me and said, "Something is wrong with Gwen."

Raising an eyebrow, I sat down next to him. "What do you mean?"

"When I left to talk to her, she looked disturbed. Angry, sure but more disturbed. It was clearly a lie when she said she went to meet up with Amber. Or she did meet her, but not for the reason she wants us to believe." He explained. "I'm worried."

"You and me both, brother." I said, sighing. "I did notice a change in her few years ago, but I thought it's just post traumatic stress, but this looks bigger than she lets on."

"I bet her friends are in it with her." Ethan muttered. "We should ask Amber about it. She won't lie."

"Are you kidding?" I said in disbelief. "She would lie to our face without flinching. She is more loyal to Gwen than we think."

"You're probably correct," he said, making a face. "What should we do?"

"Nothing." I stated. I was thinking about investigating myself, but I knew better than to poke her at this time when she clearly needs privacy. He turned to me and shook his head. "I mean it, Ethan. She will come to us when she is ready. Trust me. But if things go south, that's when we take matters in our hands."

He grumbled under his breath but agreed. "Fine."

"Good. I know you care about her, but we can't hover over her all the time. She will flip."

"I know. Today was a small glimpse of it." He sighed and closed his eyes. "Anyway, any luck with your secretary?"

I looked at him. I mean really looked at him. He seems tired. His eyes lost that spark. I didn't notice before Gwen told me, but now I can really see the change in him. He did a good job in hiding his true self with all the stupid jokes that he speaks around. His face held tired line, yet guarded at the same time. He wouldn't talk about his feelings even if I asked. He would hide it in a joke as usual. So I decided not to question him and let him figure out how to forgive himself on his own.

"I did. I picked one." I answered.

"Really?" He asked in surprise. "That was fast."

"It was. I really needed one, I guess." I shrugged. "You know we have a meeting with King Inc. right?"

"Yeah I know." He nodded for me to continue.

"Well, it would have been better if I had a secretary to look into that matter beforehand. I had to brief myself on my own when I had better things to do like looking over the new construction of the hotel we have in Italy." I said, irritated at my previous secretary to ruin it all for me.

"Get that face to smile now. You finally found one, didn't you? He or she will look into it." Ethan assured, patting my back.

"She, actually." I muttered lowly.

"Ah! A woman again. Hopefully she doesn't throw herself at you." He joked.

"Oh, you would be surprised." I said, thinking about the time Sophia stood up to me instead of throwing herself like the other girls, who came for an interview, did.

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