Chapter 27

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Chapter 27



I stared at William with narrow eyes. I was still angry at him for ordering me around and not actually asking me. If I allow him in the house, then it would mean I forgave him for behaving like that. He needs to know that he just can't order people around. He has to ask them for their opinion.

"No." I stated and turned to walk into the building. I didn't hear any footsteps which meant that William wasn't following me.

"Why?" He yelled as I was about to walk in.

"Because you didn't ask for my opinion earlier. Once you start doing that, I will let you in my house." I answered, not looking back at him.

I entered my apartment and closed the door behind me. I switched on the lights and sat on the couch. It was a tiring day. My feet hurts from wearing heels for so many hours. I remembered how nervous I was just thinking about going to this party. I've encountered the Wilson's but knowing that all of them are going to be present together is nerve wracking. I am glad it is over.

Suddenly, I heard the thundering sounds coming from outside. I sighed. It's going to rain heavily today. In London, you never really know when it starts raining. I quickly changed into some comfortable clothes and washed my face, effectively removing the makeup. I tied my hair in a bun on the top of my head and walked into the living room. Since I wasn't that sleepy, I decided to watch a movie.

During the movie, I felt my phone buzz from next to me. I checked to see a call from an unknown number and picked it up.

"Hello?" I called out, cautiously. It was really late for anyone to call me.

"Sophia." A familiar voice said from the other line.

"Ethan?" I asked in confusion. "What happened?"

"Is Will with you?" He asked, sounding worried. "Mom said he came to drop you home and still hasn't returned. It is raining outside and it looks like a storm to me. It isn't safe out there and he isn't back yet. Is he with you?"

I sat up straight as I took in the information. "No. He isn't with me. He dropped me off and I came back into my house. I thought he might have–" I stopped talking as realisation dawned on me. My heart picked up pace as I quickly shuffled out of the blanket that was covering me and ran towards my door. "Ethan, I may know where he is. I'll call you back, wait."

I didn't wait for his reply as I left my phone in the apartment and took an umbrella with me downstairs. I literally flew down the stairs and out of my building. I stopped at the entrance of the building, my eyes widened in horror as I see a very soaked William standing where I left him.

Without wasting another minute, I opened the umbrella and ran towards him. "Are you crazy?" I yelled at him. William was just staring at me as I covered him with the umbrella. "What the bloody hell were you thinking standing in the rain?"

I didn't bother waiting for him to say anything as I grabbed his cold hands into mine and pulled him along with me to my apartment. I dragged him all the way from the stairs into my house. Once inside my house, I quickly ushered him into the bathroom.

"Take a hot water bath or you will get sick. I'll place clean clothes for you on the counter." I said and left to grab some clean clothes.

I had few of my Dad's clothes here so I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. I heard the shower running and took a deep breath before opening the bathroom door and walking in to keep the clothes. I turned around to walk back out but stopped as I saw the outline of William's naked body through the foggy glass which separated the bathroom into two. Shaking my head to clear the lust, I walked back out. I adjusted the heater of my apartment and walked into the kitchen to cook him a hot soup. Mom always told me that if I were to ever get wet from the rain or get cold, I should take precautions like these to keep myself from falling sick.

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